Biebers A Baddie

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Alexi's POV

"Hey guys" I said walking in Macy's for my work. Im working there part time during the summer for now. Summer just had started. I'm excited to see what is in store for me for the summer.

"Hey girl" my best friend Sophie said. "hey, so fist day of summer huh? When is the first party?" I said.

"Sometime during this week defiantly" she said. Sophie is a total partier. Just like me!

"Ha I bet!! Anyways I got cash register up front." I said walking over

"Ha ok see you at lunch break" Sophie said flipping her bleach blonde hair back.

"See ya"

I said while getting the front cash register ready for the day.

~later that day~

I was counting up the checks people have paid for. When suddenly I was interrupted by a sweet mouthing voice.

" Hey I'm sorry but I'm ready to check out" I looked up to see a young man around his young 20s. He had on nice black pants that were sagging below his ass. He was wearing a black "obey" SnapBack backwards on his head. With black shades on . Along with a gold dog chain around his neck with supras. He was sexy as shit!

"Oh. Hey sure whatcha got?" I asked.

"I got 3 SnapBacks." he said.

I grabbed his items and scanned them

"Ok....Your total is $64.32"

"Ok here you go" he said handing me his credit card.

"Alright. Here you go. Have a nice day!" I said all cheerful.

"Thanks you too!" he said right back.

Wow he was a hurricane that swept me off the ground. He came and now he is gone.

~At the end of the day~

My shift ended at 7:30 pm. I went in the break room to grab my things and head home. I was really tired . Long day.

"Bye Soph, call me tonight." I said while walking to the front door.

"Yea girl. Bye. Scratch that. I'll stop by." She said while leaning on the counter twirling her hair while talking to other employees .

"Prefect. Girls night. Just what I need. See you in a bit" I said walking out to my car.

I was texting and walking outside. About to cross the street when I heard a car horn.

I looked up and facing a white range rover with black tented windows right by me.

"Sorry. Watch out!!" A voice said. Their window was half down.

"Yea I know. I'm a big girl!" I said kinda bitchy.

"Whoa there. Sorry" They said and sped away.


I headed home to my apartment and took a shower.

I sat on my sofa while watching love and Hip-Hop until I heard my doorbell rang.

"Coming" I shouted at the front door.

I finally got to the door and saw Sophie standing there.

"Hey" I said while embracing a hug from Sophie.

"Hey girl" She said back.

"Come " I said walking over to the sofa.

"So.. Summer. There are so many mischiefs we need to get into this summer. " Sophie said while hugging her legs up to her chest.

"YES, agreed" I said while nodding my head in agreement.

"Anyways so I saw this cute guy today at work"

"Really who. Where? What's his name?" Sophie asked questions all at ounce.

"Well he looked young and kinda badass ,you know. He had this mess-with-the-bull-you-get-the-horns kinda look. He was swaggy." I said thinking about him.

"Yea and...Did you get his name?

"No. I barely know him. I didn't want to make it obvious that I like him."

"True. Do you think you'll see him again?"

"I don't know. I highly doubt it." I said kinda bummed.

"Hey! cheer up. There are other fish in the sea."

"Do you know how cheesy you sound?" I said a-little cheered up from her comment.

" I know. I said it because I know it'll make you laugh." she said.

"Haha. whatever."

"Hey it worked"

~The next morning~

Sophie ended up spending the night and we rode together to go to work.

" hey I'll meet you inside." I said still sitting in the car in the Macy's parking lot at work.

"Ok see you inside" Sophie said getting out the car.

I stayed in because I looked horrible. I took out my makeup and applied some on my eyes and cheeks. I then walked out the car.

I was looking down putting my makeup bag in my purse when I heard a car horn again.

I looked up to face the same white range rover again.

"Wow you really like my car. you keep running in to it." That voice said again.

This time their window was all the down.

"Yea sure. Something like that." I said sarcastically .

I looked up to see that same swaggy boy that I checked out yesterday.

"Oh hey you again." he said like he was excited to see me. YEAH!

"Sorry" I said.

"No it's fine. I'm the one that almost ran you over twice!" He said.

"Yea. Anyways I'll see you around"

I said while walking inside the store.

Wow maybe I will see him again. I've got to tell Sophie I ran into him again. She'll freak!!!!

Ok this is it!!!! The first chapter. DO YOU LIKE PLEASE TELL ME!!!!!

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