chap.30 The first hit

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Alexi's POV

~~ A few months later~~

I'm now 8 months pregnant , and life is good right now. Justin has been the best . He helps me in so many ways. We have been living in our new home for awhile now. I love it, it fits me and Justin.

The guys and Missy stop by almost everyday. Me and Missy have grown close . As for me and Sophie . for some reason Justin doesn't want me talking to her. She hasn't called and asked how im doing, some friend she is. So i'm not bothered by what Justin wants.

Allen. We have actually became friends. I know , it's hard to believe. He said that he got diagnosed with something to make him the way he was. Justin still doesn't trust me with him, I don't either. He's stopped by ounce and it was pretty chill. He's still a little weird. Justin thinks he still is insanely in love with me.  Other than that. Everything is ok with Allen and me.

Justin and his temper has gotten worse. But we'll survive. He hasn't hit me . He has put some holes in walls, broken vases, china dishes. Long it's not me he's hitting, im all good. In the beginning I would normally calm him, but now it's gotten to the point where I cant even talk to him without being scared he's going to hit me. He has the control now, I don't. Plus he's gotten more cocky. He think he is the man in everything. I've talked to the guys about this 'cockiness' and they've said that he said "that now he's not that softie he use to be". Like what the fuck that's suppose to mean? Justin in some way has changed.

Right now me and Justin are cuddling on the couch eating ice-cream watching transformers.

"Heyy!! you just took a huge spoonful!" I yelled towards him.

"Whoops" He sarcastically said.

"Ohh you dick!" I shouted. I jumped on him attacking him with kisses.

"Ahhh. Hahaha. S-stop" He was trying to say.

"Give me half the spoonful you took then. " I said .

"Your wish Mrs.Bieber." He said looking at me in the eyes

I stopped invading his face with kisses and look in back in the eyes.

"Are you serious?" I asked. "You want to marry me someday?" I asked.

He nodded his head nervously. I remember last week Missy and I had this same talk. I remember her exact words. 'He might get down on that knee in any minute' .

I pulled him into a deep passionate kiss. 

"I love you." I stated.

"I know." He said back.

It was silent for 30 seconds of us looking in each others eyes  . I was wondering will he say it back?

" Follow me." He got up and grabbed my hand and led me outside. "Close your eyes" He commanded.

I did as told.

"Open" I opened my eyes and there was our backyard and pool lit up with pretty lights.

"Justin whats this?" I asked curious .

"Well I figured if I took you to dinner for no specific reason. You'll think something up. So I thought 'why not do it at home?' Then I came up with this." Justin said.

He got on one knee.

"Alexi Jones" he started.

"Oh no." I mumbled. I started crying tear after tear.

"Will you please make me the happiest man alive by giving me the honors of marring you? Giving me the most beautiful daughters a father could have? I know we have had up and downs but I know we can get through them. Your the most beautiful person I've seen . The way your hair falls on your back. The way your hips sway side to side when your walking. Your voice, so high pitched. Your tanned skin, smooth skin. Your eyes. Your flawless. I'm very lucky to have you. You give me a reason to breathe . To wake up in the morning. Your the reason for everything. I love you and please take this ring and keep it there on your finger forever. " He said with a few tears on his cheeks.

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