chap.33 Jocelyn and Alexia

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Alexi's POV

"They're finally here" I whispered to Justin.

"I know babe. They're all ours." He smiled back kissing my cheek.

Dr.Kelsey and some other doctors took the girls into other room to do check-ups on them , to make sure everything was ok.

"You did it babe." Justin whispered again this time kissing my lips.

"Oh my god where are they?!" Missy came into the room.

"They'll be back honey. Oh gosh , I cant believe I'm a granny!" Pattie cheered.

"I cant believe I'm an auntie"

"I cant believe I'm a dad."

"I cant believe I'm a mommy." I whispered, still in shock.

"You'll be a great mom." Missy cheered.

"What if something happens? " I complained.

"Nothing will happen. You'll be the best and most fun mommy ever." Justin said petting my hair.

I nodded my head in response .

We all sat in silence takaing in that I just gave birth.

"Someone misses thier mommy." I heard Dr.Kelsey say coming in the door.

I saw her holding my beautiful baby girls.

"Awww" Justins deep voice rang through the room. Along with everyone's 'Awwww's.

Kelsey gave me one baby and gave the other to Justin.

"Now do you know who's who?" Kelsey asked.

"Umm , yes" I started. "This one has a slight birthmark on her neck"

"Good. Any names yet?"

"Umm. No , not yet" I said.

"That's ok. It'll come to you." She said back. "I'll give you guys some family time" Kelsey said walking out the door.

"They're so small" I whispered to Justin.

"I know right. They so cute." He said. Starring at the baby in front of him.

Justin and I was admiring our kids for a while. I looked up and saw everyone starring at us.

"You want to hold your grandbaby's and niece's ?" I asked Missy and Pattie.

"YES!" They yelled.

I gave The one I was holding to Missy, and Justin gave the one he was holding to his mom.

While they were holding them and saying how cute they were, me and Justin was talking.

"I was thinking . Alexia?" I asked him.

"As for a name?"

"Yes, we can branch off of our names. Like Justin, Justice . Or something like that." I said to him.

His smile got twice as big.

"Yes. What about Jocelyn. I've always liked that name." He said back.

"Jocelyn and Alexia?" I asked.

"Yes, I love it" He said kissing my lips once more.

"We'll give you guys some parenting time." Missy started.

"Yea. We'll come back and visit you guys if your're still here." Pattie finished off.

"Ok thank you , you guys for the support. I thought I was dieing" I said referring to the pain I was going through when I was giving birth.

"It's ok. I know what you were going through." Pattie said coming up to us , giving us our babies.

"Stay safe." They both said and left the room.

Justin hopped into the bed with me.

I held Jocelyn (One with the birthmark) in my lap with her head on my chest.

Justin had Alexia ( without birthmark) in the crease of me and him.

I was looking at my beautiful children that was in my lap.

They're so cute.

This was the most exciting day that i've experienced. They're miracles.

This is what me and Justin created.

" I love you" Justin had said.

I turned my head to look him in the eyes, to find him already starring at me.

"I love you too" I said back.

"I meant everything I said." When he said that , I knew exactly what he was talking about.

"You scared me Justin" I whimpered.

"I know babe, I know" He said and kissed my lips. "It wont happen ever again. I dont want to lose you." He kissed me again.

We were still deep into the kiss until we heard the cutest little noise.

We looked down to find Jocelyn starring at her parents with her big brown eyes.

"And we also love you too" Justin cooed in a baby voice.

"Always" I whispered.

Justin and I were playing around with our kids until they started getting sleepy. So we decided to go to sleep to.

"Wait . I forgot." I heard Pattie's voice come through the door.

"Mmm. what?" Justin asked.

" A picture." pattie said and pulled out her phone.

"Get closer together. " she said.

"Say cheese!"

"CHEESE!" and with that I heard the flash of her camera.

"I'll head out . I'll also send the picture to you both later. Night!"she said walking out the door .

She's so sweet!

"We're a family now." Justin said heading back to sleep.


Sorry guys I'm currently working on the sequel !!!!!

Sit tight!! one more chappie!,,!!

I need 3+ votes and comments!!,

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