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Alexi's POV

I walked into the ladies room an walked into a stall and did my business and everything. I washed up my hands and dried them . I was about to open the door of the bathroom when a hand cover my mouth. I starting screaming.

"Shhh, babygirl. I don't want anyone to hear us." The voice said. I soon realized that the voice belonged to Allen.

" I'm going to let my hand off your mouth. You promise not to scream?" He asked in a snapping way.

I quickly nodded my head.  " Good girl" He said as he let go of my mouth.

"I love you" Was the first thing he said.

" Allen, w-whats all this? W-why are you h-here?" I asked.

" Baby, didn't I tell you I was coming to get you today?" He questioned.

I gave a questioning face back.

" Ughhhh! So fucking clueless. Remember the text I sent you saying i'm going to have you tomorrow? Well, today is that tomorrow ." He said frustrated.

"o-oh , yes I remembered. " I said scared as shit.

" OH baby. Not know is when I take you. I'll let you and your pathetic ass boyfriend enjoy your little news about your babies, but tomorrow, I'll get you when you least expect it babygirl.  " He said rubbing my cheek.

" Get off!!" I yelled right before running out of the bathroom and running down the hall to find Justin and Sophie. Surprisingly Allen wasn't following behind me.

" Hey babe, ready?" Justin asked.

"Umm-yes" I said . I turned around to face Sophie. I asked her if it's alright if we can hang out one day. She looked at Justin for a quick second before she answered. What's up with that?

" Yes sure. That sounds good to me." She said, her voice shaky.

" ok, I'll call you" I said as hugged her.

" Bye." She said while turning her heels and walking outside to her car.

" ready to go home?" I felt Justin whisper into my ear from behind while hugging me.

" Y-yes" I stuttered . Why do I always do that when I'm nervous.

" Babe, what's wrong?" Justin asked. Shit, I cant lie to him. Might as well tell him the truth.

" Please don't get mad Justin?" I asked him.

" Yea yea, what happened?" He asked ignoring my question.

" Allen" Was all I needed to say for him to know exactly what was going on.

' That fucker!!! I told him to stop messing with us!!!!!!!!" Justin yelled. " Where is he?!" Justin asked turning to me with fisted hands.

" Justin pl-"

" WHERE IS HE!!!!" He yelled.

" Last time I saw him was in the bathroom." I said looking at the ground.

" Stay here!" Justin commanded. 

I obeyed and sat down on one of the waiting room chairs.

I was quiet while waiting. To be honest I was scared.  How was I going to raise twins and be stalked be a psychopath. I know Justin is there for me and the rest of the gang, but seriously, Im just scared that my body cant take this much horror in one year.

First, getting shot

Second ,falling in love with some dude I barely knew back then.

Third .Me thinking I might just be a one-night stand with him.

Fourth, he was ignoring me

fifth .finding out I was prego

Sixth , ALLEN!!

And the list just goes on and on and on and on! That, my friends , is what you call stress! I hate it!

I just wish my life was like It was 8 months ago. With Justin around , with him not in  gang. This gang life is getting to me. Bad!

" Babe, I cant find him. Let's go home." Justin mumbled.

"Are you mad, Justin?" I asked

" No..." He again, mumbled.

I highly doubt that. If he was mad, why would it be towards me?

We got into the car and left the hospital. The car ride was very silent.  Justin said nothing to me.

We finally arrived home after a 15 minute car ride. Justin walked in the house and quickly ran up the stairs.

Uhhh, now it's time to find out what's wrong. I set my things down and headed upstairs toward our room.

' Justin?" I asked.

" Why didn't you tell me?" He asked, sitting on our bed..

"What are you talking about?" I asked .

'That you got a threat-text ." He said.


" Allen, I found him.." Justin said finally facing me. "He said that he texted you telling him he was out to get you." Justin finished.

" I-I "

"Why didn't you tell me?" He asked me again.

" Justin- I"

"WHY?!" He shouted. He yelled at me?

I was now scared. He got up from the bed and came closer to me, his eyes black. "I asked you a question." He said cornering me into a corner.

"Justin, your scaring me." I stated.

"Good, maybe this will teach you to tell me EVERYTTHING when someone does something  to you. I made a vow/promise that i'll protect you . "

" Justin, are you serious? Your mad at me when I'm the victim ?" I asked.

He stayed quiet. "I guess you've came to your senses." I said and got out of his way.

" Babe I-"

" Save it. You really scared me Justin " I said and walked out of the room.

I walked to the kitchen and got a text from an unknown number. It wasn't Allen because I contacted him as 'Stalker'.

It read:" I've been in your situation before. Yes, it did get worse. I don't know if he has gotten better but from the looks of it, he hasn't. Even if your pregnant, he will still hurt you. Even if he really does love you, his anger gets in the way. I prefer you run away now. He's very short tempered and most of the time  he cant control it. Please take my advice.  He's Abusive. " -A


Who is this? Who were they talking about? Justin? No! Cant be, Yes, he is short tempered but still, he wouldn't hurt me, Will he?




I need 10+ Votes and 3+ comments 4 next chappie thnxs!!

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