Chap.2 meeting him

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"Oh my god Sophie" I yelled out her name while running to the break room

"What" She simply said.

"I saw him again"

"Him? As in the cute boy you saw yesterday?" She asked.

"Yep" I said. " After all I might see him again because it seems like he always hangout over here."

"Aww I'm happy for you" Sophie said.


~Later on Alexi's shift~

I was hanging and putting clothes where they belong in the store over in the kids clothing. When I heard that voice again.

"Sorry to bother but do you happen to know where the NEO shoes are. I can't find them." It was him.

"Umm- hey you again. Yea follow me." I said leading him to the shoes he wanted.

It was silence till he broke it.

"You know, it would seem like for me to almost run you over twice, that you will hate or be annoyed with me. But no?" He questioned.

"Ha no. Let's just say I'm not that type of girl."

"I like that" Was all he said.

I mentally blushed and laughed.

"Well here you are. If you need me I'll be over were I was before." I warmly said.

"Okey-dokey" He said. goof!

I hurried over to where I was to finish what I was doing so I can go home early.

"Hey. Again. umm theres no one at the front cash register. so can you-?" He asked me.


I grabbed his shoes and headed to the cash register. As I was scanning the items, from the Conner of my eye I notice him staring at me. I tried not to make eye contact with him. But I did.

After he saw me look at him he said . " Sorry just. you seem cool. What's your name?" He asked.

I pointed to my name tag that's said " Alexi"

"Oh yea-I knew that" He said

"Sure you did. What's yours?" I asked back while bagging his shoes.

"Justin-Justin Bieber" He said.


"You live around here- in L.A?" he asked

"Yea I just moved here. You?" I asked him again.

"Yea I do live here."


.......Then there was awkward silence.

"Anyways Alexi do you think I can have your number?" He asked.

"Sure. give me your phone" I commanded

We exchanged numbers and everything.

"Thanks Alexi. Alexi. I like that name. it's beautiful." He said.

"Thank you so much. No one has ever told me that before."

"That is what makes the comment special" he said winking at me.

Oh my god did he just flirt with me?

"Oh- Thanks?" I said weirdly. I mean come on how would you answer to that comment?

"No problem I'll call you sometime." he said walking out the store.

~ End of the day~

"Soph!!" I yelled running to the break room.

" I saw him again. This time I got his name and his number."

"Oh my god what? DETAILS!!" She screamed in excitement too.

"Ok so his name is Justin Bie-"

"Please don't say Justin Bieber"

"Yea that's exactly it. Why?"

"You haven't heard about him?" She questioned.

"No something wrong?" I asked confused.

"Yea everything is wrong. You need to forget about him. He is bad news."

"What? what do you mean."

"He is in a gang and he smokes way to much pot and there are like really crazy rumors about him" Sophie said.

"Like what?"

"Well for starters. you know that building that used to be McDonalds? Well he was doing a drug trade there and the dealer made him mad so he blew up the McDonalds building.There are other rumors that are just- CRAZY!!! They call him " that Baddie""

"But those are just rumors." I said trying to minimize the situation .

"Honey there always has to be one real reason why a rumors starts."

"Thats true but?"

"No buts. Stay away as much as possible!!! "That Baddie" is bad news!"
Sophie warned me.

Please god tell me this is not true!!!!!!

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