Chap.3 Hes not all bad

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I got home after a long days of hard work work.

"Stay away from him. He's bad news"

What Sophie told me, was still lingering in my head over and over again.

I just shook off the thoughts and decided to put on a movie .

I was making popcorn when I heard my phone ring.

I looked at the collarID and it was Justin!


"Hey Alexi?"

"Yea it's me"

"Hey I was wondering you know if you would want to come with me to the skatepark. We can hangout." He asked kinda unsure of my answer.

I sat there just in thought . Should I go with him after what Sophie said. I'm kinda scared now to be around him.

Fuck it. I'll go. Alexi let loose!!

"Definitely!" I said into the phone

"Great I can pick you up. Where you live?"

" On South of Maine st."

"Ok great I'll see you in 10"


I quickly took a shower and did my hair and makeup.

For some reason I'm trying to look cute for him. Why?

I waited in my living room till I get a text from him

"Hey I'm outside."

I run outside meanwhile I'm thinking.
Should I ask him is it true with what he does. Should I even be hanging out with him?

"Hey you look nice" He said leaning against his white range river.

"Thanks. oh nice car their. I think I've seen it before." I said sarcastically

"Yea. I've seen you two hitting it off before." He said while laughing.


I sat in the nice car while we drove to the skate park.

Finally we made.

"So do you skate here a lot?" I asked while we were walking across a lawn that lead to the woods.

"Yea a little. I come here to be alone most of the time." He said looking down.

"Justin I feel like there is something your not telling me?" I say nervous of his answer.

"Why you say that?" He questioned.

"I just- My friend told me rumors about you and I don't know if I should be scared of you or just let loose." I finally said.

He stopped us from walking and looked straight into my eyes.

"Alexi. I do do things that are not the best. I'm not proud of who I am. Right now who you think I am, is not the real me. I'm mostly always angry with a frown on my face and shit. But when I first saw you. You. You brought a smile to my face. I like you. I like you a lot. Just some things can't be said right now. " he said while holding my hands.

"That Baddie" I whispered.

"Yes. That is what they call me." he whispered as well.

"Can I kiss you?" He asked.

"Go for it" I said .

We then kissed. It was perfect. I loved it. How can this perfect good kisser be the cities bad boy. I don't get it.

Biebers A BaddieNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ