chap.18 We can work this out!

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Alex's POV 

" OK Miss. Jones. You are free to go. Just make sure you dont get a deep cut for a loss of a lot of blood." doctor Frankie said.

"Yes, sir. " I said cheerfully because me and Justin are on good terms. I just dont know how will we be when i tell him Im pregnant. Im nervous. Like really nervous!!

"Thanks again!" I said as the doctor walked out my room.

I walked over to the chair in the corner to get my clothes to head home. I suddenly feel a strong pair of arms snake on me. I giggle thinking its Justin.

"hey " I said giggling. I love this.

" hey sweetie" Wait! I know that voice.

I quickly turn around and see Allen smirking. He is creeping me out. 

"Allen!" I say as I try to back away. ( Allens pic is on the side)

" Shhh Lex. No one needs to know that im here to see my princess." He says trying to rub my cheek like Justin did last night. 

Wait! Where is Justin? He was just here in bed with me when we were sleeping! 

" Please stop Allen" I say as his eyes turn pitch black.

"WHY?!" He yells in my face. 

This boy is crazy!!

I walk back and my back hits the wall. I close my eyes . 

Please leave. I think to myself.

"ANSWER ME!!!" he yells again.

I whimper. Then I hear hard grunt. I quickly open my eyes and see Allen holding his balls, again. And Justin hovering over him.

" Justin..." I whisper.

" Get the hell out of here Timmons!! Dont mess with my girl ever again!!!!" He yells.

" You fucking wish!! Shes mine or she'll be mine !! FOREVER!!!" Alex says looking into my eyes. 

What came over him? He was so nice. Now he is the devil! Im scared.

" Get the hell out of here with that shit!" Justin said walking over to the button to call security.

" Justinn..." I whimpered sitting in the corner holding myself while Allen is trying to bare the pain, looking at me. He is on the floor trying to crawl over to me, while Justin is calling security.

" Its ok. Ill protect you." Allen says getting closer.

" Justinn..." I say to get his attention.

" No need for him babe! You-you have me remember?" Allen says. Getting closer!

He reaches out his hand to touch my leg. Just then , security comes bursting in grabbing Allen.

"NO NO NO NO- GET OFF ME!!!!! BABYGIRL NO WORRIES!!!! ILL BE BACK!!!!" Allen yells while they take him out.

" lexi, babe!" Justin finally realizes me and comes to me and comforts me. 

"Its ok, im here now" He says while I cry into his chest .

" He scares me. Th-the way he looks at me" I manage to say out. 

" I know baby, i know. How about we head home?" He asks petting my hair and rubbing my back.

"Yes , please" 


Me and Justin walk into the door of the house and I see the guys get off the sofa and run and hug me.

"Alexi, we missed you" Sean claimed.

" Yea, we were worried sick" Says the twins . 

"Awww , thanks guys. It means a lot!" I say .

" Yea, yea,yea. Shes mine!" Justin says cockily. 

" WE KNOW!!" They all yell.

Hahah you gotta love the boys!

"Justin?" I called out his name.

" Yes princess?" 

"Umm, we need to talk." 

"ok, come over to the bed" He motions me over to the bed.

" Now what is it?" He asked his eyes shining , I just hope they dont turn dark or grey after I tell him.

"Umm"  Im really nervous.

"Go on, they suspense is killing me! " He playfully yells.

" Justin, you promise  you wont get mad or say something mean about it?"

" Babe yes, just spit it out." He says picking me up and sitting me on his lap , against the bed headboard.

" Justin, Im- Im with child." I close my eyes and keep my head forward and hear nothing, Just the guys talking downstairs.

" As-as in pregnant?" He ask, his voice cracking.

" y-yes.." I croak out.

" umm- Im happy- I really am. Its just- Im scared this baby is not going to be safe all the time. Im scared that it'll be in danger when he or she is born. No one knowing whats Allen is up to."  He says truthfully.

I finally turn my head to face him.

" I agree. So What happens now?" I asked, clueless.

" I want to keep it !" He says holding me tighter while kissing my temple.

" Im really scared though. " I say .

" I know babe, we can make this work. Trust me. Its just more work for me, in-which i love. I'll proctect you and our baby. We'll be the Bieber family babe!" He says kissing my temple again.

" Im just glade your not mad or wanted me to abort it." I say.

" No. Not at all! I want this life, with you , and our baby!" He says all cheerful.

" Sounds good to me!!!" I yelled back.

He kissed me on the lips holding me tighter. It eventually turned into a hot make-out session.

"Let me love you, babygirl..." Justin moans in my mouth.

" Ok , Just be gentle." I moan back.

" My pleasure." He says and gets on top of me. And you know what happens next!


AWWWWW they cute together!!!!!

Ok now im gonna start something new.

I need  at least 5-10 votes for the next chappie!!!!! 

Think of it.... Its not that hard ,,, just press the 'vote' thingy!!! PLZ PLZ PLZ PLZ !!!!

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