Chap.21 When I really need a friend!

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"Soph, you there?" I questioned.

"Can . can you repeat that for m-me please?" She stuttered. I feel like a failure!!

"Umm- I'm pregnant." I said shameful.

"What? How?"

"It's easy to get knocked up actually Soph . You - you just spread your legs ." I whimpered.

"But . We were going to collage next year. W-we were going to go traveling around the world , before , thi-this mistake came!!" She yelled.

I was now crying.

"I-I don-"

"Who's the dad?!" She yelled again.

Oh on! If I tell her Justin is my baby daddy , ohhh she's going to freak!!

"Hello!" She said .

"I don't really appreciate you calling my baby a mistake. It's mine and I'm going to keep it. If you were a real friend you'll support me!!" This time it was my time to yell.

She was silent for a while.

"Ok. Lex , your right. I - I was just mad that you kinda wasted your future over something that could have been prevented . Condoms, birth control ."

"Yes, soph. Don't you think I know ?! I didn't know I'll get prego too!" I said .

"Wait. But there is another option . You could abort it." She said like I was really going to do it.

"NO! SOPHIE NO!!! I'm keeping my baby. It's mine and Justins .No one or nothing is getting in the way!" I yelled.

"Justin who?"

Shit!! nice going Alexi . Might as well tell her.

"Uh- Justin is the dad."

" Do I know this justin?" she asked.

"Sophie . I think we both know you do !"

"ALEXI!!! I told you not to hang around him, let alone him being the farther of your child!" she yelled.

"Please ! Sophie, I really need support in this not- a lecture!

"Sorry sorry sorry! Well does anyone else know?" She asked again .

"About the pregnancy? No, other than Justins friends ."

"As in gang members?" Shit Sophie is good.

"Maybe. Look, how are my parents?" I asked

"They- well they finally filled out a missing person report."

"I really need to talk to them somehow. I miss them." I said now crying that when I see them, they'll see me and my big pregnant belly.

"Yea you do. Hey how about I come over later and talk to you and see how much of a farther figure this Justin is."

"Aw- I don't know . Everyone and everything is- kinda personal around here. Especially Justin! " i said through tears

"Look talk to him and see what he says , then call me and tell me if I'm meeting my godchild's other half of the family!" there's my soph!

"Haha ok, I'll do that, sounds good. I need to go"

"Ok baby, again in sorry I insulted you!"

"It's fine, really. bye babes!"

"Hahah, bye bitch!"

With that we hanged up.

I put my phone down and just broke down into tears.

"Hey hey hey, why is mommy crying?" I heard justin saying while bringing Me into a tight hug.

"I'm a disappointment justin , there's a chance of me seeing my family again and I'm going to be pregnant . I'm a teen mom, justin! " I sobbed into his chest

"Babe stop! your fine. This is your family here and we don't look at you in a disappointing way babe. and what's this about seeing your parents?" he quickly asked.

"Well I talked to my friend and she told me I should really should check up on mom and dad and I really want to justin! they are my blood family!"
I begged.

"Babe, but if you see them they will try and keep you from me." Justin said rubbing my cheek.

"No justin they won't . I'm only visiting" I said

"Ok well I'm coming with you, no matter what!" he said as his grip got tighter on me.

"Ok. Oh and another thing." I said remembering what Sophie wants to do.


"Can my friend come over for dinner or something?" I questioned .

"Or something?"

"Yes, please . she is one of my support.!"

"Ok, babe. if it helps with all the crying." he bossed out.

"Haha, very funny!" I playfully slapped him.

"Whatever, com here." he pulled me into a kiss.

"Do you love me?" he asked against my lips.

"Yes justin , yes."


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