Chap. 17 Forgive Me ?

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"My head it, it hurts." I said trying to sit up on the bed.

Earlier today I woke up in a hospital. I remember everything perfectly . Yes, I tried killing myself . Everything is not working the way I want it to. It's just not ! Its not just Justin, other things as well.

"Hey" Allen came in the room.

"Your finally awake ."

"Yea, my head . It hurts." I said basically telling him to get my aspirin or a nurse.

"Oh yea! I thought a headache might come along so.. here" He said handing me a pill.

"Thanks." I said

"So, how are you feeling?" he asked sitting right next to me on the bed rubbing my back.

It's was creepy but, it was somewhat comfortable .

"Ok I guess, I mean I lost a lot of blood." I said looking at my hands.

"Yea well me and justin weirdly have the same blood type as you, so we gave blood ." he said narrowing his eyes brows when he said justin .He must know what's wrong with justin.

"Oh thanks !!" I said pulling him into a hug.

"Oh, Alexi. it's fine , really ." he said hugging back, much tighter. I heard him inhale something . Did he- did he just sniff my hair?

I quickly pulled away but couldn't because he pulled me right back into the hug .

"Allen! I'm sore!!" I yelled.

"Oh!! I'm so sorry! I- I just . Please another slight , sorry hug?" he asked wanting another.

Fuck it, it won't bite.

"Sure" and with that I hugged him.

Then I heard someone clear their throat .

"Oh it's just him." Allen said his voice quickly changed into some mad voice . it scared me!

"Can I talk to Alexi please. Alone?" Justin asked never taking his eyes off mine.

"No" Allen said trying to cuddle with me more. but I rejected him by sliding over the bed a little . he didn't notice.

"I didn't ask. I commanded!" justin raised his voice .

" Get the hell out!!!" Allen yelled.

"Don't , Timmons !" oh no, justin called Allen by his last name. Justin's pissed!

"Don't what? You already hurt her feelings enough! So YOU stop causing more harm then you already have!!" Allen said finally standing up from the bed.

"I said dont!!" Justin said again. anger filling his eyes .

"I'm not scared of you anymore BIEBER!!" Allen mocked.

They were in each others face like me and justin was yesterday .

"You wanted it !" justin yelled throwing a punch.

Allen stumbled back a little then tried to punch justin, but Justin grabbed his hand that was in a fist form and kicked him in the nuts.

"You fucker, don't mess with me! Your out of the gang!! leave !!!" Justin yelled. aww so they are a gang .

"Fuck you!!" Allen said kneeling down holding his dick. he slowly crawled over to me and said

"Baby girl , you will be mine, not his. I'll get him back for you, for us. Dont fear me when I come in with a bang!"

He left the room leaving me and justin alone!

Justin turned his head to me. I looked down at my hands.

He walked over to the chair by my bed.

"Alexi" he called .

Ignored him.

"Alexi, please " he pleaded.

Ignored him.

"Please!!" he was getting impatient .

"NO!!!" I yelled startling him.

"Why not!!" he asked .

"Because. you hurt me justin !!!! I really liked you and you just saw me as a slut to have fun with !!!!" I yelled at him.

"No I didn't !!!" he refused to tell the truth.

"I hate liars justin!!!!" I informed him.

"I'm not lying !!!!!!"


"I FUCKING LOVE YOU , OK?" he yelled.

"... Sure you do." I whimpered.

"I do, I really do!!!" He said lowering his voice

"Then why you ignored me for 4 fucking weeks !?" I asked.

"I promised myself I wouldn't say this." He mumbled .


"No, when I first saw your beautiful face . I really liked you . Then we started getting to know each other then the bigger feelings started kicking in. But i realized I can't ever love again." He said with tears at the brim of his eyes.

"Why?" I quickly asked.

"I - I had a girlfriend about 5 years ago , when I first joined the gang. I really loved her, Jacey. We were together for about 2 years . Then someone as you know named for right now 'him' knew I loved her . I've done some bad things to ' Him' and his family. So he- " he paused .

"Go on justin." I said getting up and sitting on his lap.

"He - he killed her in front of my eyes ." justin said starring at my eyes .

I didn't know how to react so I just hugged him. he hugged back but much more tighter like he was scared after he'll let me go, he'll lose me.

"It's ok justin. I'm here." I said hugging him tighter .

He then said

"I love you more then I did with Jacey. And 'he' knows that. This whole thing is just a repeat . that's why I ignored you and tried to move on. But I couldn't . I love you to much !" He said rubbing my cheek with his hand.

"I'm so sorry. every time I rejected you I broke ! That's why it got to the point I couldn't be in the same room with you." He said starring into my eyes.

"You just don't know how you made me feel . I felt like I was unworthy ." I said now crying.

"It's ok . I promise you , that I'll keep you safe and sound!! you'll always be safe! and that's a promise" he said still starring .

"Ok. could you maybe tell me more about your gang?" I asked.

"No baby, not now." He said going back to rubbing my cheek.

"It's ok, baby steps at a time ." I said looking deep into his eyes.

"I'm so so so sorry . will you please forgive me and be mine?" He asked.

I hope I do not regret my answer.

"Yes justin." I said.

"I'll keep my promise." he said and kissed me.

He kissed me. it was so nice. it feels good .it feels right !

"About Allen ?" I said .

"Yea, he's long gone now . I know that he now scares you from what he said to you before he left. But I'll protect you like I said." he said kissing me again.

"Thanks" I said kissing back.

"Justin ? I don't know if I should tell you this now but- " I was so nervous .

"Yea? " he looked worried.

"Never mind I'll tell you later." I said snuggling into his chest.

"Ok" he said rubbing my back.

How will I tell him that I'm pregnant with his baby!

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