chap.8 Scared shitless

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Alexi's POV

I was sitting in the hotel room watching " Love and Hip-Hop" when I heard something outside the main door. "Hello?" I asked at the door. The sound wasnt exactly a knock or a doorbell. It was more like shuffleing . I heard it again.

" Hello!" This time i yelled. No answer. I got up to the door and looked through the peephole. I saw no one. " Alexi- stop no one is here." I said trying to calm myself down. Before i went back over to the sofa i decided to look through the peephole one more time. I looked and I saw someone looking at me, straight into the eyes! 

I was frozen. I gulped real hard. Sweating , shaking. The young man was dressed in all black . His face was covered with a clown mask. Fucking Scary as shit! I hate clowns! We stood there looking at eachother through the peephole for about 30 seconds. Then I quickly pulled away. 

" No-no" I said walking backwards toward the sofa again to get my phone. Watching the door. 

I quickly got my phone and ran into the master bedrooms closet. I dialed Justin's number. But i couldnt because I was shaking to hard. Finally I got the number to ring. 

He didnt answer.

" Justin- pl-please . Im so scared. I - I saw something I dont think I should have. Please Ju-Justin. Im so scared. Please come back to the hotel room! Please. I need help." I left him a voicemail. 

I sat there shaking horriblely waiting for Justin. Knowing that he has a "job" to do, this wait might be long!


" Fuck bro Im trying my best!" Sean yelled. " Well bro go faster!' I yelled referring to the time we have left to burn the warehouse down.

" OK are you set?" I asked eveyone. " YES" They yelled. " Lets do this shit!!" 


" uhh - dude wheres my phone ?" I asked Spinner while we were driving back to the hotel . " In the glove department. " He said. " Ight, thanks bro" I said while pulling my phone out. I turned on my phone and saw i had 11 missed calls. damn! 

One of them were from Alexi. I hope everythings ok? I looked on my voicemail and saw she left a voice message. I clicked on it . She was crying and whispering. SHIT!!!!

"Spencer go faster!!!!" I said . He guned it. Good boy.


I ran out the car and ran to our hotel room. I didnt bother taking the elevator. 

I finally got to our room. I slid the card in the thing and bust in the door. " ALEXI!!!" I yelled. There was no answer. I ran all over the place and couldnt find her ! damn they took her!!!

" Bro whats wrong? " asked a curious Jason. " He-they too-took her!" I said crying. Wait why am I crying. I barly knew her. Man up bro!

" No they didnt" I heard Allen say. 

" What you mean" I asked turning aroung to face him. He was holding a sleeping Alexi.

" what - how- where was she?" I asked excited shes still here.

" She was in the master bedroom closet sleeping" 

" but i looked in that closet" I said

" I know- she was deep under all the clothes" He said petting her hair. The fuck?

" bro stop- Give me her!" I wispered yelled.

" Sorry just showing sempathy " Allen said holding up his hands in defence.

" Yea yea yea" I said carrying her to the bed.


Ok guys im so sorry im late in updating !! my mom took away my computer and eletronics . so bare with me!!!! lol ill updat again when i can!!


im out

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