chap.25 I thought it was different

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Alexi's POV

The first thing I did was respond to this unknown person who texted me.

" who is this, Allen?" I questioned.

They immediately texted back.

"A= Anonymous" Was all they wrote back.

" Are you here to hurt me. Or help?"

" I'm here to help. You cant know who I am. Or I might get killed. Depends on Justin's mood."

This is defiantly Allen.

"Who are you?' I urged to asked.

" Cant say. But I was in Justin's past."

Sure that tells me a lot! I decided not to text back. I don't want to get creped out and find out something I shouldn't . Why would Justin kill. I know his in a gang, but he's so sweet around me. Except when he gets mad, he's very short tempered.

" Babe?" Justin's voice was heard from the staircase. " Babe , can we talk?" He questioned.

"Sure." I simply said and walked behind him to the living room.

We sat on the couch facing each other.

"Look, im sorry. You know my temper. And I just got mad that you didnt tell me what was going on with you and that prick!" Justin's voice was getting higher in yelling.

"Calm down. We weren't planning anything if that's what you think. He just told me he was going to get me. I didn't really believe him" . I lied.

" Ok, well. Can you forgive me?" Justin pleaded.

" I don't know Justin , you scared me back there." I said looking aat  my hands.

"I'm sorry babygirl, I- I just sometimes cant control it. Im really sorry."

"Do you ever think you'll- hit me?" I shyly asked.

Justin looked down at the ground, not looking at me. He then looked into my eyes, still not talking.

" The- the um guys are  upstairs . Do you wanna stay down here and watch movies ?" He asked back, completely ignoring my question.

He looked. Ashamed, when I asked him. Something happened in the past that I don't know about.

" Umm- yeah." I replied back .

" I'll get the movie" He said and rushed out the room to upstairs.

I slowly got up from the couch because of my baby bump, it's getting big. I walked over into the bathroom and locked the door behind me and balled my eyes out while looking into the bathroom mirror.

"He don't love me no more" I silently said to myself.

"Babe?" Justin asked through the door. "What's wrong?" He asked concerned.

"Like you don't know." I snapped.

" No I  really don't! "

"You don't love me." I commented.

"WHAT!!! NOOOOOO!" He screamed. Damn!

"Babe-let me in." He banged on the door.

"Please?" He asked.

I slowly walked over to the door and unlocked it. In came bursting in a worried Justin .

"Babe, what's wrong?" Justin asked again. He really don't know. "Why you think I don't love you anymore?"

"Justin if you loved me you wouldn't hit me!" I yelled.

He took a big sign. "Is this about what you asked earlier?" He said.

"Yes...I want a reasonable answer! Do you think you'll ever get mad enough to hit me?" I asked.

"Babe if - if I tell you , you'll think i'm a monster" He said.

"Justin what have you done?" I asked getting scared.

"I-I cant say. I love you to much to lose you. You'll leave me" He said. It's that bad?

" does all this tie into of what you do with the gang also? "I asked .

"Part of it, yes." Justin said, looking like the tears in his eyes were about to fall.

"Ok, well. That's that. Your not going to tell me so what's the point of being here. I'm going to take a nap. Please don't bother me." I said as I got up. Justin helped me up and sat back down knowing I don't want to be bothered right now.

As I was walking out the room I stopped.

"Trust is the key thing in a relationship. " I said as I finish my walk out the door. I felt Justin's eyes burning into my back . I hope he takes what I said and use it.

I walked into our bedroom and waited till Justin was downstairs. I picked up my phone and dialed his number.

He , of course, picked up.

" Miss Jones, didn't expect you t be calling" His voice rang through the phone wires.

"Listen, Please don't take me, but I need your help. Do you think you can pick me up later tonight?" I asked .

"OF COURSE PRINCESS!!!! ANYTHING FOR YOU!! But im not promising that im not going to keep you from leaving." He snickered .

"Please cooperate. I have the rest of the gang coming with me so you wont pull anything " I lied, no one knew a clue what I was doing.

"Whatever!!! I guess I wont !!! " He yelled, he is mad.

I never thought I would ever say this:

"Thanks Allen"


Shit just got fucking real!!! What u think Lex is gonna do wit allen, Make Justin jealous? Kill herself, run off together. ??? So many  things ...........

I need 10+ votes and 3+ comments 4 next!!!!!! thks

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