Chapter Five

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"Ares I'm bored" I hold back a laugh as Apollo throws his arms around Ares. "Brother save me from this boredom" Apollo sighed dramatically as he placed a hand over his forehead .I could practically feel Ares's annoyance. He should feel happy that somebody enjoys his company. Ares shoved him away whacking him in back of the head...hard.So hard it could be heard from all the way from across the room. I expected Apollo to fall to the ground but he shrugged in off like it was nothing. How thick of a head does he have? If it was me I would have been knocked out all the floor.

"I hate Dad" Ares groaned sitting down on the couch. That I can relate to. Guess Dad issues are the one thing we can see eye to eye on.

"Hate is a strong word but Love is stronger" Apollo said winking at his brother as if that was some inside joke.

"I would love it if you jumped off a cliff" Ares stated as he glared at his brother. I don't know why but this makes me want to have a sibling. The thought of always having someone to talk or bug seems pretty awesome to me.

"Well someone is a little grumpy this morning?"

"When isn't he grumpy? Alright I'm gonna go please no fighting in front of my mom" I remind them putting on my jacket. It's really hard to grasp that two models are in my kitchen right now. 

"I'm coming with you" Ares said jumping up from the couch. Well then

"Can I-"Ares interrupted Apollo before he could finish his sentence.





"No" Ares pushed me out of the house closing the door behind him. I open my mouth about to say he should treat his brother better but his glare stops me. "Don't start"


Apollo smiled to himself knocking on what he thinks is Alex's mom's door. He was going to wait till she waked up but he was too excited to wait. To him every human was different. They each had something special about them. He never really understood why his brother hated humans.

"Yes Alex?" The lady opened the door her eyes widening as she saw Apollo.

"Hi Ma'am I'm Apollo Ares brother nice to meet you" He said excitedly holding out his hand. He loved interacting with humans. They were much better than gods to him because they didn't think the world revolved around them...Well some of them didn't.  The lady slowly shakes his hand clearly confused. Apollo frowned feeling a wave of sickness coming over him.

"You're sick?" Apollo said frowning.

"How did you-"

"I can fix that" Apollo said smiling widely.


"I'm what some would call a healer" (For those who don't know Apollo is the god of music, truth and prophecy, healing, the sun and light, plague, poetry)


"Sal the oven is not working" I yell from the kitchen. The oven was now making weird sounds as if it was gurgling.

"Why is he still here?" Sally whispered to me. Even though we were in the kitchen and Ares was in the front probably frightening all the customers or they are asking for his number. 

"He wanted to come" I don't say the part about wanting to escape his brother because that would take too much time to explain and right now my main focus was on fixing this oven.

"I was thinking about hiring a guard for this place" She glances at me a smile forming on her lips. Oh no I know that smile. "Is your friend looking for a job?"

"I really don't think-" I stop talking once I realized  she already left the kitchen. 

"What am I going to do about you?"  I say to the oven. Maybe it will work if I mess with the wires? I place my hands on the over trying to push it forward. So I could see the wires but I failed. Why you may ask? I'm a weak person who has trouble lifting up a gallon of water. That's it I'm going to the gym tomorrow. This is just sad. 

"What are you doing?" I turn around seeing Ares who literally is an Inch away from me. What is with this dude and personally space? It's making me too nervous to function. 

"I'm trying to move the oven but clearly it's not working out like I planned." Ares placed his hands on the side of the oven causing me to be trap in between his arms. He pulled  the oven forward causing me to be pulled along with it. Instinctively  my hands go to his chest in an effort to stop myself from bumping into him. Sparks run down my arms.

"There" I look into Ares eyes feeling memorized. Like his blue eyes held a mystery that I so badly wanted to solve. He takes my hands off his chest taking a step closer So theres no space left between us. The sparks intensify as a knot starts to form in my stomach.Wait what am I doing? I snap myself out of the trance pushing him away from me quickly.

"Thank you" I mumbled quickly as I walked out of the kitchen.

" Looks like he is our new guard" Sally said. She turned away from the cash register to face me. "Woah there why do you look like a tomato?"

"Can I take a quick break?" She nods raising an eyebrow at me as Ares comes out of the kitchen.I walk out of the shop quickly taking a breath of fresh air. I loved this time of the hour mainly because no one was up this early and the sun is just starting to rise. It reminds me of when I was little when my mom and dad would wake me up just to see the sun rise. I smile up at the sky feeling much more calmer.


Picture on top is Apollo because well he is amazing

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