Chapter Nineteen

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"How?" I whispered moving away from him. How is that possible? People can't be at two places at once.

"You're more beautiful than I could imagine you know?" He smiled at me but it didn't reach his eyes making me panic even more. "Oh let me introduce myself" He extended his hand out his figure flashing before revealing a guy I've never seen before. His green eyes meet mine a smirk planted on his face. My eyes move to the tattoos that cover his arm "I'm Erebus"

"What do you want from me?"

"Oh, Doll I don't want anything from you" He smiled motioning to the door. "I want your little boyfriend to do me a favor"

"Do what?" I asked out of curiosity. Should I really be asking questions? Shouldn't I be planing an escape?

"Don't you worry your pretty head about it, Human" Really? How many people are going to call me that? It doesn't make sense don't they know they are too?

"Does he know where we are?" What does this guy want from Ares? What could he have to offer? A bad attitude? I feel my heart drop realizing I'm going to have to see Ares. That's even if he comes. Why would he?

"Well, I sure would hope so since we are in his house" What kind of kidnapper is this guy?

"Why am I here then?

"Simple Ares would never let something that's his go unprotected" I look up at him confused not following what he is saying. It took me a good five minutes to realize what he was talking about was me.

"I haven't seen him in awhile you might have the wrong person"

"You don't have to see him darling have you seen how many hell hounds I had to kill just to get you"

"Hellhounds?" My mind goes to the supernatural the episode where Dean got attacked by hellhounds. His eyes widen in realization a smirk on his lips.

"Looks like Little Ares has been keeping a secret from you," He said full-on smiling. "Oh this is great"

"What are you talking about?"

"How stupid are humans. Doll have you ever heard of greek mythology. Alright, to be fair I didn't really pay attention during that part of history class. All I got was this guy named Zeus ruled clouds are something.

"Not really"

"I'm sure you know what a god is right?"

"The big guy upstairs?" I asked motioning up.

"Not quite I'm talking about Immortal gods with powers greek to be exact." He groans cleanly going frustrated. He grabs my phone handing it to me. "Google it" I grab the phone googling greek gods. A list of names pops up. My eyes scroll down it stopping at Ares.

Ares God Of War

Known for his Quick temper

Blood Thirsty Fighter

"Would Slaughter the Weak"

" What?" I whisper to myself. No, it can't be possible. I mean Ares a god? Maybe his parents were just obsessed with greek stuff.

"I should have just given you phone If I knew it was going to take you this long to figure it out," Erebus said.

The door slams open revealing an angry Sally. I turn back to Erebus trying to give him the warning to run buts it's too late. Sally already has him pinned to the ground.

"Sally lets go before They com-" I spoke too soon because Ladies and Gentleman guess who I just saw walk into the room. You got it Ares the god of war. Everything suddenly clicks together. All the times he seemed too angry for no good reason. The time he caused a war at the grocery store. 

"Are you okay?"Sally asked still pinning Erebus down. Did Sally take some fighting classes I don't know about? 

"Sals I'm fine," I said my eyes meeting Ares. He starts walking towards us and that's when I start freaking out. "No," I said causing him to stop walking.

"Alex." He said slowly as if talking to a five-year-old. "Whatever he said wasn't true "

"No its quite true," Erebus said glaring at Sally. "You owe me a favor I'll be back to collect," Erebus says pushing Sally off him walking out the door. I pull Sally back up looking back at Ares. His white shirt has splatters of red... Could it be blood? No Alex stop you don't even know if it's true.

"Apollo he's running" Ares said.

"Alex its okay Ares said that guy drugged you that's why you thought it was Ares." I look back at Sally. I wasn't drugged. I know what I saw.

"Sally I know what I saw"

"Why don't you get Alex some water?" Ares said still looking at me. Could he be a god? I mean he does look like one but its impossible.

"I'll be right back," Sally said giving me a comforting pat on the shoulder before running out.


"We don't have to talk I'm just going to grab Sally and go" I said looking away from him.



"What did he say to you? Did he hurt you?" He paused his face going dark. "Did he touch you?" He asked his jaw clenching.

"Why did you leave?"

"Because me being with you was going to put you in danger," Ares said walking closer to me.

"Like this?"

"Erebus is harmless to me"

"Then I should go"

"When I realized what Erebus did you know how I fucking felt?" He runs his hand through his hair taking a deep breath. "It felt like someone was stabbing me All I wanted to do was make sure you were okay"

"Ares that just means you care"

"I've never cared about anyone Alex because it would make me weak. It makes  everyone weak now everyone knows my weakness You're  my fucking Achilles' heel"

"Ares," I said feeling my anger fade away. "It doesn't make you weak" I place my hand on his cheek trying to get him to calm down. "Caring doesn't make you weak I care about you Ares".

"Alex you need to stop before I do something I regret" He mumbled leaning down. I lean towards him his eyes move to my lips. "Fuck it," He said placing his lips against mine.

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