Chapter Thirty-Three

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"Sally calm down" I whispered softly as I take the cupcakes out of the oven. Right now Sally was on the verge of insanity.

"Alex they ran out," Sally said shaking her head in disbelief. She put her phone down hanging up the call. Sally has a certain brand of icing she uses for the cupcakes. She would rather die than use another icing. Trust me I tried convincing her. And now the only place that sells her icing has run out so you can understand why she's freaking out.

"We still have a lot of icing," I said trying to see the bright side. They are probably going to restock soon. We just have to rational the icing.

"This isn't my week" She mumbled putting her red hair into a pony tail.

"Sally everything is going to fine," I said giving her a thumb up. "We got this" She looks up at me tilting her head.

"Alex, Are you okay? Is Ares still looking sick?"Sally asks. As I look down at the floor. Sally always has a way of knowing. When something is wrong. My eyes start to water as I turn around to place the cupcakes on the display plate.

"It justs seems like he is getting weaker" I mumbled trying to keep my voice from cracking. I tried to contact Apollo but he won't pick up the phone and every time I go to Dionysus club I can't find him. He needs help and I can't even help him. It seems like every day I'm watching him get weaker but I can't do anything about it. What worries me the most is that he pretends he's fine. But I see him flinch in pain sometimes but then he quickly leaves.

"Talk to him Alex," Sally said placing a hand on my shoulder. "Everything's going to be fine"

"Alex" The deep voice causing me to turn around immediately Ares is standing in the doorway. His eyes scanning the room before meeting my eyes. Did he hear that?

"Shouldn't you be resting?" I asked placing my hand on my hip. I put on a smile. So he doesn't see that I'm upset. "Ares go rest okay?" Like I said He has been seeming more and more tired especially right now. And Apollo is out of it still. I haven't seen him this week. But Ares said he is staying with Dionysus. But I can't seem to find any of them. It's like they're gone.

"I can't rest" He growled out walking towards me. Sally scrunches her eyebrows at him but then shakes her head.

"I'm going to fix this Alex close the store up when you leave," Sally said getting up from the floor throwing me her keys. She pats me on the shoulder running out the door. This is her way of saying talk to him right now Alex.

"Ares Please go rest"Ares has been looking sick. At first, I thought I was just worrying too much. But yesterday in the middle of the night. I saw Ares leaning against the wall. His face full of pain. But before I could ask him what was wrong. He was already gone like he always is. I know If I tried to ask him what is wrong. He will just get defensive and claim he is fine.

"I can't Every time I try I'm constantly thinking of where you are or what you are doing," Ares said his eyes flashing before turning back to their normal blue. "I can't rest unless you're with me," He said as he pulled me into his chest. "I need to know your safe"

"I am safe Ares" I look up at him giving him a soft smile. I just wish there was a way I can assure him that I'm fine. So he can actually rest. He would never admit this to me. But I really think he is in pain.

"Alex" He whispered pressing his lips against mine. I react instantly as my heart stops. He has a way of making me feel calm and at ease. I just wish I can do the same for him.What kind of Soulmate am I? I can't even protect him.

"Ares what's going on with you? You look weaker everyday. You need to tell me what's going on."

"Alex" He mumbles completely ignoring me. 

All I want to do is help him but I can't. It just seems like I'm useless. I'm watching the person I love in constant pain. His lips start to trail down my neck but I pull myself away.

"You need to rest" I remind him not wanting him to use too much energy. He sighs stumbling back slightly. 

"Ares," I said quickly grabbing onto him. His skin seems to be getting paler as his eyes start to close. "Ares" I yelled trying to get him to open his eyes but it seems like he has already passed out. He falls against me causing both of us to crash to the floor. My vision blurs as my head is slammed against the floor. Before I can call for help I already feel myself  losing conscious 

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