Chapter Thirty-Five

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"So do you guys always make out in my bed?" Dionysus asked tilting his head up clearly entertained by this. How many times is this going to happen? Ares just looks at him well more like glares. Clearly not amused by him.

"Yes, we go all the way to your house just do that" Ares said his voice dripping with sarcasm. Apollo bursts out laughing patting Dionysus on the back.

"Sarcasm fits you brother," Dionysus said holding back a smile. His blond hair seems all over the place as his fingers tap against his thigh.

"Are you okay?" I ask him getting up from the bed almost tripping in the process but luckily I seem to balance myself.

"The New rule has got me a little shaken up Sweetheart," Dionysus says sitting down on the edge of the bed placing his face in his hands

"What new rule?"

"The soulmate one" Apollo snarled rolling his eyes. "Everyone has a soulmate even the ones who don't want one," He said like he is was reading from a paper annoyance clear on his face. The way he is saying it make's it seem like he doesn't want one. But how can someone like want a soulmate? I mean that person is literally meant for you.

"Do you not want one?" I asked unable to stop myself. Was this why he seemed put off and stressed.

"No Alex, I like moving around having fun. Having someone tied to my side for the rest of my life isn't what I want. I want to be free and I can't be free with a soulmate" My eyes widden as I hear him. He is showing a side I never really see. It seem's like he hates the idea of love. But why? I mean he is so loving to everyone. Why is he so determined to not have a soulmate.

"Whoa there," Dionysus said looking up at him. "I was just worried my soulmate wouldn't like alcohol." He paused shaking his head, "But you Buddy you got some issues to work though. Is Artemis getting to you or something? You gonna start an anti-girl group."

"Dionysus" Ares warned as Apollo clenched his jaw. Dionysus laughs standing up from the bed. He gets out his phone placing it to his ear.

"Erebus?" Dionysus said into the phone as Ares stands up. Oh not again. "Yeah Just wanted to let you know Apollo seems to be having some soulmate trouble too. Maybe you and him can bond over it." Dionysus moves the phone away from his ear as I hear faint yelling cuss words being said over the phone. Dionysus sighs hanging it up. "I don't get this family"

"You talk to Erebus," Ares said standing in front of his brother.

"I talk to everyone brother. Plus he is really fun when he's drunk"

"He is a lot of things fun not being one of them," Ares mumbled wrapping his arm around my waist.

"He only kidnapped Alex once and he did it for you," Dionysis said pointing a finger at me. "He knew that you were never going to tell Alex you guy's we're soulmates so he took fate into his own hands" So that's why he did that? My heart warms as I smile softly. He really is a good guy. Why do so many people not like him? I know kidnapping is extreme but he had good intentions.

"He could have tried a different method" Ares snarled crossing his arms. Clearly, he seems to have calmed down a little. Maybe he realizes that Erebus is pretty cool. My eyes drift off to Apollo looking down at his shoes lost in his thoughts.

"Apollo?" I asked placing a hand on his shoulder. "Everything is going to be fine" I reassure him. Maybe fate will decide that he shouldn't have a soulmate. But I really think him having one would be great for him.

"Yeah you'll soulmate probably won't like you anyway," Dionysus said patting his brother's head. "She might be into blonds" Dionysus teases running his hands through his hair giving Apollo a wink. Apollo lets out a laugh before standing up. Playful shoving Dionysus.

"I hope your soulmate is allergic to Alcohol," Apollo said laughing as Dionysus' eyes widen at the thought. This is one special family. Apollo looks at Ares who is looking at the time shaking his head.

"No" Ares warned stepping back. I raised my eyebrow. Apollo smile widens as he jumps onto Ares knocking them both onto the floor.

"I didn't want you to feel left out brother" Apollo mumbles hugging Ares while they are still on the floor. I let out a laugh as Ares glares at me.

"This amuses you?" Ares asked.

"Yes," I say smiling down at him. His glare softens as a small smile starts to form on his face. My heart skips as I feel my face start to turn red.

"You guys need another moment?" Dionysus asks. Lifting up Apollo from Ares.

"If I say yes will you leave?" Ares asked getting up from the floor. He stands beside me wrapping his arm around my waist pulling me into his chest.

"Nope, I was just asking anybody want some wine?" Dionysus said grabbing a bottle of it from under his bed.

"You keep alcohol under your bed?" Apollo said grabbing the bottle. "I'm starting to think you have a problem.

"Speaking of problems" Dionysus eye move to Ares. "Have you resolved your problem? You don't seem to look as weak as before."

"I'm fine I handle it," Ares said his grip tightening around my waist. Is he talking about the keeping the feelings of anger inside?

"Just make sure to take care of yourself," Dionysus said his face turning serious. This the only time I have seen him looking like this. I grab onto Ares hand nervously fiddling with it. It is my fault he was feeling weak. It was my fault he was carry on the anger in this world. It would have been my fault if something bad would have happened to him. My eyes start to water. I move my hand to quickly wipe the tear. But Ares already saw it. He quickly turned to face me his eyes full of panic.

"What's wrong? Are you hurt?" Ares' eyes scan my body frantically as I shake my head. My hands wrap around Ares' neck as I hug him. As more tears start to slide down my face. He could have been hurt. What if I never heard Apollo talking to him. "You need to tell me what's wrong so I can fix it," Ares said softly into my ear. As he rubbed my back smoothly. I hear the door close meaning that Apollo and Dionysus left. Why am I crying right now?

"I'm fine" I pull myself away from him wiping my tears on my sleeve. He leads me to the bed. He sits on the bed placing me on his lap. My cheeks start to turn red as I start to move. He wraps his arms around me locking me in place.

"Tell me what's wrong" He demands. I look towards him his blue eyes filled with worry. "I don't like seeing you like this. Let me fix it" I shake my head laughing slightly. He raises his eyebrows confused. He is really amazing. just wished he showed this caring side of him to more people.

"You already have," I said placing my lips against his. I've never been more thankful to have someone as amazing as Ares

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