Chapter Twenty Eight

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"Jessica" I mumbled for the fifth time poking her shoulder but no luck. How am I going to explain this to Sally when she comes back? Just as I thought that I hear footsteps from behind me. Mentally I face palm myself Of course, I forgot to lock the doors. How am I going explain this to a customer? Say I got a life size realistic doll?

"Woah" I sighed in relief as I meet Apollos brown eyes. But they seem a little off.

"Are you alright Apollo?"

"Don't worry about me Alex" He said giving me a full on smile but his eyes aren't lighting up the way they usually do.


"Alex I can't talk about it right now" He said dropping the smile. A worried looking taking over his features once again. I give him a small smile nodding my head. I know what's it's like to not to be able to talk about something.

"Can you fix this?" I asked him hopefully referring to the frozen Jessica. My mom dinner is gonna start in like thirty minutes and she hates it when I'm late. Even thinking about having dinner with Jessica and my mom and her husband makes me worrired.

"Yeah but why didn't you ask Ares?" Apollo asked looking around. "Where is he?"

"I don't know" I mumbled looking down onto the floor.

"Oh no" Apollo quickly gets out his phone pressing it to his head. "Pick up the phone" he chants but I'm guessing he has no luck since he slamed the phone onto the table.

"Apollo what's wrong?"

"Ares isn't really good at controlling his temper" He paused tapping his fingers against the table. "We just need to find him before he does anything stupid," He said smiling brightly. "We got this"

"What would he do?" My heart dropped at the thought of him in any type of danger. Why did I tell him to leave. When did I start acting so selfish? No, Alex I remind myself thinking like this isn't going to help him.

"Try to start something. He is-" He shook his head a small smile forming. " He was very corrupted. My brother is known for letting anger take over him making him mess up"

"We should hurry then" I quickly got up walking towards the door. When I hear Apollo a cough loudly. I turn back to him as he points at Jessica. Oh yeah

"Can you unfreeze her when I walk out?"

"Alright Alex we have to split up because he might sense me" I scrunched my face up confused Sense him? Did they have like built it god detectors?. I will never understand gods. But I nod anyway quickly walking out.

Okay if I was an angry god where would I go? Where's a place where fights could break out? Come on Alex. I start walking hoping I'll get an idea but I still have nothing. Right as I take my next step I look down at the ground hearing a crunch sound. Who leaves empty beer cans on side walks? I think as I pick it up looking for the nearest trash can.

"Dion's" I said aloud. Of course... alright that took me longer to figure out than it should of. My phone vibrates against my pocket causing me to jump slightly. I let it go to answering machine knowing it was my mom asking me where I was. I push down the guilt I feel. Even I'm being honest this is the first time I let my mom ever go to voice mail.

"Trouble in paradise?" Not right now, please? I look up at the sky shaking my head. Why?

"Erebus I'm a little busy right now," I said attempting to walk ahead of him. But I know it's useless since he has the longest legs I've ever seen in my life. Making it more than easy enough to keep up with me. This are the times that I wish I was taller then 5ft.

"Little baby couldn't control his temper huh?" I wasn't even looking at him but I can tell he is smirking right now. I didn't lecture him because I know he is feeling stressed out and this is his way of letting it out.

"Erebus I'll help you later I promise," I said giving him a soft smile as we stand in front of Dion's. He throws his head back laughing causing me to do a double take. This is the first time he has full on laughed. I have to admit he actually does look nicer when he smiles. I break into a smile unable to cotain myself. Imagine how happy he is going to be when he gets his soulmate?

"It's very hard to get you mad Alex" He said already walking away.

"Bye Erebus" I yelled out as I opened the doors to the club. But as soon as I entered I wished I hadn't.

Yelling filled the room. Some people we dancing while the majority of people we full on screaming in each other's faces.  The yelling is causing me to panic slightly. This can't be because of Ares right. I let out a scream as I see a young male punched an older man causing him to fall to the ground.

"Are you okay sir?" I asked running over as the young continues to yell at him.

"You already punched him is it necessary to keep yelling?" I said trying to make sure my voice could be heard of the loud music. Where is Dionysus? Why isn't he attempting to stop this?

"Why don't you mind your own business bitch" He growled out.

"Please just walk away"

"What are you gonna do?" the guy taunts walking closer to me. "Are you gonna start crying?" He said getting so close I can smell the alcohol on his breath.

"Walk away" I push him lightly knowing that if I did it to hard he would fall over. Since he clearly is very drunk. He raises his fist towards me causing me to close my eyes preparing myself for the impact but it never comes.

"Open your eyes Alex" My eyes snap open ad I see Dionysus smiling at me holding the guys fist twisting it. "Your welcome"

"Dionysus don't hurt him" but he pretends he doesn't hear me as pushing the guy to the ground.

"Can you fix my brother now?" Dionysus said clearly distressed. "He's driving me out of business."

Thank you for reading everyone!!!!!

I would love it if you guys told me who's story do you want to read next after I complete Ares?
Apollo? Erebus? Dionysus? Zeus? Hades?  

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