Chapter Twenty Nine

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Can we all just admire how amazing this looks!!! Thank you!!! Blind_Hawk
As I continue to move my way through the crowd of growingly angry people. My thoughts start to take over. Why did I tell him to leave? Why couldn't I just talk to him? Maybe I'm scared. I've seen how love can hurt someone physically and emotionally. When my dad left my mom was in her room for days. Hearing her crying for days as I stood outside her door. Hoping she would just open it. 

"I could kill you" A voice yells. It's to hard to tell which direction it came from but the anger behind it snapped me out of my thoughts. What is he doing to these people?

Finally, I get to what seemed like the back of the club. I almost sigh in relief. This is where Dionysus said he would be. It seemed like a whole bunch of fancy people were sitting in this V.I.P area. There is even a big bulky guy guarding the entrance to it. Oh god, how am I going to get in? Dionysus didn't give me a secret code or anything.

"Hi" I said getting the guys attention. He looks down at me clearly waiting for me to continue. "I was wondering If I could go inside?"

"You seem like a nice girl," He said shaking his head at me. "So I won't let you in kid There are bad people behind this rope girl's like you have no business here"

"Sir-" he raised his  hand up telling me he heard enough. I frown but move away but as I do I notice Ares blue eyes staring to the side of him. Relief flows through me as I smile. But then I notice whats on the side of him. A girl is leaning over to him a smirk on her lips. She whispers something in his ear her hands moving down to his pants. I jump back as his blue eyes meet mine. Okay that was kinda crazy. Did he just sense me or something? Is that a God thing?

I need to leave. Watching him get handsy with a girl is just gonna make me sad. I should have known he couldn't have liked me. Why would he? He  is a freaking god. Maybe he just thought I was his soulmate? Maybe he was confused? I wipe the tears falling from my eyes quickly not wanting anyone to notice me crying but they won't stop coming out.

"Alex" I heard his voice. The sound of him saying my name makes me want to cry even more. He deserves someone better anyway. I ignore him trying to walk even faster. "Alex," He said his voice getting louder. But his voice wasn't the only one getting louder. It seemed like everyone in the club was getting angry. I stop in my tracks noticing the bartender knock a bottle over a guys head from over the counter. He needs to stop this.

"Stop Ares," I said turning to face him. He grabs my wrist moving me closer to him. But I move out of his grip quickly. His jaw clenches as his blue eyes darken. I fight back my urge to comfort him looking down at the ground.

"This is gonna be the last time," I said trying to keep my voice from cracking. This is gonna be the last time we talk.

"You're causing this" I motion around us looking back at him. "I need you to stop You're better than this so stop"

"Their anger was already inside of them I just helped bring it out Alex. But why stop? I mean look isn't it kinda fun to watch" He laughs throwing his head back. "If you think this bad wait till you see what I got in store. This is just child's play"

"Ares Why are you acting like this?"

"I should have known. How could a human be my soulmate?" He said smirking at me. He knew saying that would hurt me. I bite my lip quickly wiping my tears. I notice his face drop for a second before going back to the heartless look he was giving me. He is probably happy with that girl right? I should be happy for them.

"I hope you have fun with her. " I said giving him a smile. "Goodbye Ares" I quickly pulled him into a hug. Knowing this will be my last time being this close. I freeze up feeling his arms go around me locking me in. I look up at him confused.

"Her?" He asked me the cold look still on his features. 

"The girl you were with" I reminded him. The one feeling him up. That's when he breaks into laughter full on laughter. Not mean or evil but one filled the happiness. Did I miss something?

"Alex I didn't know that girl and I wasn't going to let her do anything" My heart jumps a little. Well thats not what it looked like. "You're the only human I would want"

"Why were you acting like this?"

"I thought you were rejecting me Alex" Ares said pulling me closer. "I'm sorry I'm not very good a controlling my anger" He whispers so lowly I could bearly hear him. The shouting seems to stop and everything seemed calmer.

"You should have talked to me first" I exclaim a frown on my face. "We could have avoid this Ares"

"I'm sorry Alex" 

"This is toxic Ares" I mumbled stepping away from him. "If we are going to be together we need to talk about things we need to communicate."

"Toxic?" I groan rolling me eyes. 

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