Chapter Seventeen

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"Please just leave me alone" I begged him. 

"Would you stop saying that?" Ares said his eyes scanning my face.A bored look on his face. "I'm not leaving you alone"

"You already did," I said feeling my voice starting to crack. He can't just come back and pretend nothing has changed. Don't cry Alex he doesn't deserve your tears. I glare up at him pulling away.


"I have to get back to work Excuse me" But he doesn't let go. I look up at him his blue eyes filled with something I don't understand.

"I'm not going to do it again" He sounded like he was taunting me. Mocking me almost. He stepped closer to me causing me to almost stumble back. His arms wrapped around my waist before I could fall. I kinda wished I did fall because then my heart wouldn't be beating so fast But I felt scared like something was off. He seemed like a different person.

"I really have to get back to work" I whispered.

"Fine runaway" He said his features turning dark. That's when I almost lost it. I'm the one running away?  "Shouldn't you be glad I returned  at all?"

"Shut u-" I stopped talking feeling a pain in my chest. My vision starts to blur. I place my hands on Ares' shoulders trying to keep myself from passing out.


"She's fine. She just needs more rest. It looks like she hasn't had a good night sleep in ages." I quickly open my eyes seeing Apollo leaning over me. He gives me a smile but it doesn't reach his eyes. Something is telling me this isn't Apollo. 

"What are you doing?" I ask my voice cracking slightly. His eyes flash to a black as he gave me another small smile before moving back standing by his brother. Wait where am I? My eyes move around the room trying to figure out where I am. But I have no luck. This room looks to  fancy to be my room. There is a tv about as big as the freaking wall in this room and don't even get me started on the freaking neatness. It looks like someone could eat off the floor. I swear I just saw the floor sparkle.

"So how is everyone doing?" Apollo asked clasping his hands together snapping me out of my thoughts.  "I'm doing great if anyone is wondering expect for the blood on my shirt" He laughs. My eyes go to his shirt flecking of red covered the white shirt. I have to get out of here.

"Where am I?"

"In a  house," Apollo said pointing to the tv. "This is my room don't you love my tv?"

"This is my house and this is my room, " Ares said slapping Apollo in the back of the head. His voice seems colder than usually.  Apollo fell to the found wincing. Ares never hit Apollo that hard  before.

"Well, a boy can dream, right? It's not my fault that you underpay me for all my hard work" Apollo growls getting back up.  Wait underpay? Since when did they have a job? I mentally slap myself for literally staring at them in confusion with my mouth open.

"Well you guys continue this interesting conversation I'm gonna get going," I said slowly starting to get up but feel a hand lightly push my back onto the bed.

"You need to rest," Ares said now standing right near. Rest? I feel fine. Plus I really don't want to be around this guy right now. Something inside me is saying run and don't look back. 

"I'm fine"

"I'm not giving you an option you are going to stay here until you feel better"  Ares taunted. "You think you would be more grateful" 

"I don't think you are allowed to do that. I actually think that is against the law" I mumbled tucking my hair behind my ear.

"Why haven't you've been getting rest?" Ares asked completely ignoring what I said. Well, I guess some things just don't change huh? "Nightmares keeping you awake at night or was losing me to much to bear?"

"I've been getting plenty of rest"  How does he know about my nightmares? Why is he being so mean?

"Apollo leave," Ares said narrowing his eyes at me. I don't like that look. That's the look my mom gives me when I forget to pay my rent. (It happens more often than you think)

"Always bossing me around," Apollo said slamming the door on the way out.  

"I'm only going to ask this one more time and this time I expect the truth" Is he really in a position to be demanding answers shouldn't that be me?

"Why are you back?"

"I thought the reason was obvious," Ares said sitting down next to me on the bed. I move over creating more space between eyes before responding.

"It isn't"

"I've been looking for you"


Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!!!!! Thank you so much for reading. You guys mean the world to me <3

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