Chapter Eighteen

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"What?" I managed to say after staring at him in confusion for a good five minutes. A feeling of uneasiness washed over me. Why would he look for me? He knows where I live. He knows everything.

"You don't need to know why. " Ares said moving closer to me. You won't believe what I did next. Well, you probably will. Ladies and Gentlemen I fell on the floor landing right on my face.

''I'm gonna head out now" I mumbled getting up off the floor rubbing my hands against my face. Thankfully that I wasn't bleeding. Well' there goes my dignity.

"You shouldn't leave it's already dark out'" Ares said walking closer to me causing me to take steps backward until I hit the wall. His blue eyes seem different. They seem lighter. Does that even make sense? I slowly moved my hand towards his face. He smiles down at me.

"I'll be fine" I whispered letting go of his cheek. What did I just do?

" you're not leaving you can leave in the morning Anyways   did you miss me?" I must have just stared at him in shock for a while because he placed a hand on my shoulder his eyebrows raised.


"I said did you miss me?" Ares never talks like that. Well, he has been gone for a four months maybe he's changed? Don't be stupid Alex. This isn't him. This can't be him right?

"Did you have pie?" I say avoiding the question. I have to act normal to remain calm.


"Nevermind" I mumbled my cheeks turning red. I just can't shake the feeling that something off.

"You're beautiful now wonder he likes you," Ares said a light smile on his lips. But it fades as he looks into my eyes.  What is he talking about?

"Tell me why you left," I asked my voice coming out softer than I expected. If this is him I deserve an answer.

"There is something you just can't know"


"I just had to leave"

"You couldn't call?" I asked shaking my head in anger. "You just didn't want to"

"Maybe I could of" I glare up at him feeling the anger rise in me. Has he always been like this?

"Maybe I should leave"

"That wouldn't be very wise for you evil things come out at night" He pauses a smile forming on his lips. "An evil thing might even be in front of you" Maybe he is just feeling sick? Or drunk? There has to be a reason he is acting like this.

"Ares" I pressed my hand against his cheek shocked at how high his temperature feels. "Are you sick?" I asked placing my hand on his forehead. He closes his eyes shaking his head.

"I can't get sick"

"You should lay down" I mentally slap myself. What am I doing? Sally would kill me if she saw me like this. I could already hear her lecturing me about how I shouldn't care what he does. I should not care because he didn't care when he left.

"Trust me I'm fine."

"I don't think you are" I glance at the bedside table noticing my phone. Oh man I didn't even call Sally.I should tell Sally where I am before I give her a heart attack. Oh gosh, she is going to murder. I walk over to the table grabbing my phone. 15 missed calls

"What are you doing?" Ares demanded making  his way over  to me quickly.

"Sally?" I said into the phone.

"Alex? Are you okay? Where are you?" Sally yelled. I pull the phone away from my ear wincing. Alright, I should have seen that coming.

"Sals I'm fine"

"Where are you?"

"I'm with Ares and Apollo"

"You're what?" Sally said shock evident in her voice.

"With Ares and Apollo"

"Alex get out of their now"


"Because Ares and Apollo are at my shop sitting right in front of me"I drop the phone looking over at Ares. He smiled at me making my stomach drop.

Ares never smiled this much.

"Looks like someone finally figured it out"


Thank you guys so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed this chapter :D

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