Chapter Thirty-Four

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"Ares you can't just keep all of this inside of you" I Apollo said.  I tried to move but it felt like I was stuck. My eyes wouldn't even open. No matter how hard I tried to move them. 

"You don't understand" Ares snarled. Understand what? What is Ares keeping inside of him? I try to lift my hand but the only thing that seems to be moving is my left index finger. 

"Some war is necessary Ares" Apollo whispered so quietly I could bearly hear him. "Ares, you can't just take in all their anger" What the heck is Apollo talking about? How could Ares take someone's anger? Is that even possible?

"This is none of your business"

"Ares, You're my brother" Apollo paused for a second before clearing his throat. "Alex would understand she wouldn't  blame you. Ares she know's that humans make their own decisions"

"Didn't Dad send me here not to cause war? Or did he just send me here for the hell of it?" Ares said his voice dripping with sarcasm. 

"Ares you were spreading Anger around for fun. You were planting evil things in their head. But  What you are doing now is taking away emotions that humans need in order to change. If you take away their right to fight their right to be angry and passionate about something.They will just stay stuck in a world that still has a lot of room for improvement. In order for there to be change, people need to speak up and they can't-do that if they have no passion to" 

Ares is taking away people's anger. If he's doing that then he must have all those feelings inside of him. Which is why he seems weaker and tired. He is carrying a burden that he wasn't meant to carry. Does he really think I would be mad at him for something he has no control over? 

"Leave," Ares said his voice held such power and was full of authority that it made me want to leave.  Finally, my eyes opened. It felt like I was suddenly unfrozen. I move my legs around getting up from the bed. Ares and Apollo both turned to me. My eyes move around the unfamiliar room. The walls were painted silver while the ceiling had specks of blue all over it. I look back towards the bed I just got out of. Noticing how bigger it was then my full-size bed. Where am I?

"Hey, Sleeping Beauty," Apollo said waving his hand towards me. His hair is all over the place and there are bruises all over his neck. I walk towards them tilting my neck to the side. 

"What happened to your neck?" I asked trying to rub the sleepiness from my eyes. 

"Let's just say I had a little too much fun yesterday," Apollo said as  I gasped putting a hand over my mouth. No those can't be hickeys. I mean there's so many of them. How would that even be possible? 

"Leave Apollo" Ares growled pushing him out the door. My eyes wander to Ares who is already looking at me. The bags under his eyes are still visible but he seems to be looking a little better. 

"Ares you don't have to keep all of their feelings inside of you. I don't want you to do that. Please don't" I whispered looking down at my hands not wanting to meet his intimidating stare. Ares pulls me closer to him placing his finger underneath my chin forcing me to look up at him. 

"Alex I just want you to be happy," Ares said his blue eyes look into my brown ones. The distress clear in his eyes. I place my hand against his cheek a soft smile forming on my lips. 

"You make me happy," I said rubbing my thumb against his cheek. "Ares I accept you for who you are.And You are the god of war also known as my scary soulmate" 

"Scary huh?"

Ares smiles. The type of smile that has the power to make someone's heart stop. He leans into me places his lips against mine. I feel myself smile to as I wrap my arms around his neck pressing him closer to me. He throws me onto the bed causing me to laugh as he lays beside me. 

"Ares whose room is this?"

"Dionysus's room" I hear Dionysus say looking down at us from the end of the bed. His arms crossed over his chest.  "You guys having fun?," He asked taking a sip of what I'm guessing is wine from his cup.  "Obviously not why aren't you guys drinking?" 

Well, this is just great. 

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