Chapter Thirty-Eight

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"Fire just came out of your hands," I said waving my hands in the air. "Fire!"  Does Angel have superpowers? 

"Alex Breathe," He said as he placed his hands on my shoulders. "I'm glad you know what fire is. Really proud of you right now."

"Hold on fire boy, " I said looking at his hands that seemed perfectly fine after having fire in them. Maybe I'm going crazy. Or maybe I shouldn't have had candy before bed. You think I wouldn't be surprised. 

"Fire boy sounds catchy" I shoot him a glare looking up at him. He's right though it does. Maybe once we're done. I can make him a superhero costume. I mean with his red hair and firepower I can definitely create a good superhero.  "Hello Alex" He waved a hand in front of my face causing me to get back on topic.

"You're Angel right?" I said shaking his hands off my shoulders. He nods his head raising his eyebrow. "You sure?" I ask poking his shoulder. Erebus pretended to be Ares before so what if this is another god pretending to be Angel?


"Prove it" 

"Where to begin" A smug smile appeared on Angel's face as he leaned in closer. "Cody tried to slip something in your drink at a party junior year you caught him and I punched him."

"That doesn't-

"Freshman year you almost fell down the library stairs I caught you then you hit me"

"I didn't know it was you" I argued back feeling my face turn red. Already maybe it is him.  But this doesn't explain the firepower thing. Pretty sure Sally would have told me if her brother had superpowers. 

"I had a black eye for a week"

"I said sorry"

"I know I still have the letter you wrote me apologizing  to me" In High school, I didn't really have any friends. But Angel would always talk to me even though he was one of the popular kids. He  would always talk to me. So when I hit him I wrote multiple letters apologizing.

"Senior year your prom date ditched you for Jessica So I-

"Asked me to dance so I wouldn't feel humiliated"

"That Enough proof?"

"So fire huh?"

"Remeber how I went to Greece Well I went to see my father-"

"But your father lives here why would you go to Greece?"

"My real father Alex" He raised his hand up before I could say anything. "Sally and I have different fathers my mom told me when we graduated So I went to find him"  A part of me is surprised Sally didn't mention it to me. No wait she would of.

"Does Sally know?" He looks at me a guilty expression spreading across his face.

"No my mom wants to be the one to tell her."

"So your father has the power to shoot fire from his hands?"

 "Alex my father is Hephaestus" He said as if that explained everything. 


"The Greek god of fire? Metalwork?" He shook his head in disbelief. I really should have studied more on Greek gods. This would have saved me a lot of problems if I would have just knew about the gods. 

"Alex,  Ares a Greek god is your soulmate for crying out loud. You should have least known the basics by now." Well its not like Ares sat me down and gave me a greek god lesson. Wait he should of.

"I'm still processing" I paused tilting my head at him. That was the best excuse I could give. "Wait how did you know that?" 

"Are you serious? You are what all the Gods are talking about" He lets out a laugh as he continues. "Heartless Ares finds his soulmate. You are the reason Gods and Goddesses are allowed to have a soulmate again" He points be back into the direction of my house turning us around. "You guys are like a TV show."

"Oh," I said nodding my head.So he's telling me that Gods and Goddesses are watching us like it's a TV show. That's a bit unsettling. Wonder how good are ratings are though.  "So when you met your dad did that cause the fire power?" 

"I've always known how to do it. He taught me how to control it.Its been great  I smile at him pulling him into a hug.

"I'm happy you've found him. Why didn't you spend more time with him though?" I asked pulling away a concerned look spreading across my face. Was everything okay with Angel? Was he in trouble?

"When I found out yoursoulmate was Ares I  asked my Dad if you were going to be okay. He told me, yes but the people you know will be put in Danger" So he knows that I'm putting everyone in danger too. I look down feeling the guilt start to eat me up. 

"I'm sorry"

"Woah Alex" He stops us forcing me to look up at him. "I'm here to protect them It's not your fault that they're in danger. Alex you've found you're soulmate theirs nothing wrong with that" 

"But there is something wrong with you touching her" Before I can even respond Ares had Angel hand  bending it backwards. Okay, that happened quickly. How the heck did Ares even get here? Maybe I should give him a bell. 

"Ares stop," I said pushing him away from Angel.

"Of course it's my fault they are in danger Angel. You could have been spending more time with your dad. Sally and my mom would have been safe.

"I leave and this is what happens. Leave and stay away from her" Ares growled getting closer to Angel. What did he even do? I push myself in between them frowning up at Ares. "Who's in danger Alex?"

"Everyone" I paused looking down. 

"You're not in danger." He puts his finger under my chin forcing me to look up at him 

"Everyone I care about is"

"I don't care about them" Ares said as I pushed him away. "As long as you're safe its fine"

"Ares they're my family I would do anything for them. You should care about them."

"I won't lie to you Alex. The only person I care about you. They don't matter. The only one that matters is you. Let them die" 

"If any of them are in danger I will do anything to help them."

"I won't let you put yourself in danger." He growled his eyes turned darker. "You will never be in danger." 

"Wow Alex he is so compassionate." Angel said bringing me back into reality. Angels been here though that whole Alpha male speech. "My favorite part would have to be when he said let them die"

"You wanna die?" A smile crosses Ares's face as he looks Angel up and down. 

"Calm down,"I said placing my hand on his cheek. We are for sure talking later about Ares's lack of morals. "You don't even know who this is" How did Ares even know where we were at? Does he have a find Alex tracker. 

"Spitting Image of your dad sorry kid," Ares said completely ignoring me. Okay, that sounded kinda mean.  Does he really not get along with anybody in his family. What are they chances all the gods would agree to go to family therapy?

"Guess their right you do have the temper of a five-year-old," Angel said from behind me. Does he want to die?  There is only so much I can do to save him.

"Ares" His blue eyes look at me for a second before going to Angel. Okay then. Before I can even think through my plan. I wrap my arms around Ares' neck placing my lips against his. I take a breath of relief as I feel Ares' hands wrap around my waist. 


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