Chapter Twenty Five

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"Alex?" I heard Ares mumble from behind me but I refuse to look at him. Right now My eyes were only focused on my mom. Maybe I miss heard? Last time I heard Jessica was in France far away from here. But Jessica is  standing right in-front of me. She just walked into the cupcake shop ready to torture me. 

"Sweetie everything gonna be fine," My mom said trying to convince me but I just continued to stare at her. "I have to go back to work but you should come to dinner" My mom said giving me a pat on the shoulder before leaving.

"Alex," Ares said louder he turns me around forcing me to face him. "Whats wrong?" His face is emotionless but his voice has a hint of concern in it causing me to look up at him. His blue eyes seemed darker. He puts his hand on my waist waiting for the answer.

"You work here?" I push Ares away making some distance between us immediately. She can't know Im with him. She's just throw herself at him. Her brown hair now has blond highlights and she's wearing a white long t shirt  and jean jacket.

"Why are you just wearing a t-shirt?" Sally said. "You do know this isn't a strip club right?" Jessica just rolls her eyes. She smiles at Apollo bitting her lip.

"I'm Apollo" Apollo said walking up to her giving her a smile. Her eyes trail down his body a smirk on her lips. She steps closer to him but then stops when she looks at me her eyes going to Ares. Oh No.

"Nice to meet you Apollo, " She said her voice higher than usual. Apollo smiles but stops when he sees my face. He steps back from her a nervous laugh escaping his mouth.

"Well if you excuse me I have a date," Apollo said practically running out of the shop. I might be the next one running out.

"This is what you do for a living?" Jessica said her voice filled with disgust. "I knew you were poor but not this poor" She laughs loudly flipping her hair. Now can you see why I'm not really fond of her?

"I think you should-" I interrupted Ares by coughing loudly fearing what he was gonna say. He glares at me clearly mad I interrupted him. His arm wraps around my waist forming a tight hold on me.

"Little Alex got herself a boyfriend," She said her voice sounding taunting. "Cute"

"I really don't like you" Sally said walking up to her. "Let me make one thing clear if you try to pull the same shit you did with Justin I will kick your ass" I feel the color drain from the face right as she says his name. Justin was the guy I had a crush on since I was 11. But one day I walked into my room and saw Jessica and Justin 'doing it'. Every since then, she's gone after the guys I liked.
Warning Semi Mature content
"Excuse us" Ares said pulling me into the background making sure to lock the door. I feel myself start to panic.

"Ares" I mumbled wrapping my arms around his waist burying my face into his chest. She can't take him, right? I mean he's my soulmate.He responds quickly his grip tightens on me as I listen to his heartbeat. I feel myself slowly start to calm down. After A good minute, I pull away as I looked up at Ares' face. He's blue eyes seem to be more memorizing I place my hand on his cheek pressing his lips against mine. He deepens the kiss.

"Alex" He groans as I press myself against him. He pulls away his lips traveling down to my neck as he places soft kisses down it. I shiver in pleasure as he lips touch my mark. I let out a moan moving my hips against his. "Alex we need to stop" He groaned. I bring his lips against mine not wanting this feeling to end. He picks me up pressing my against the wall. "Alex I need to stop"

"Please don't" I whispered. I feel his hand move down my thighs.His eyes flash a bright gold as he lets me go backing away.

"Your first time is not going to be in a fucking bakery Alex"

"Your first time is now gonna be in a fucking bakery Alex" Right as he said those words he felt himself being teleported. He groaned knowing this was his father.

"What?" Ares said his voice filled with frustration. He turned around even more annoyed when he saw his whole family sitting in as he dad like to call it  'god council seats'

"Good to see you again Brother" Dionysus said raising his wine glass in the air looking bored out of his mind. What  the fuck is this? Ares thought glaring at his father. He had to take him away when clearly something was wrong with Alex.

"We have something we need to discuss " his father said clearing his throat. Ares eyes moved to Apollo who seemed just as confused as he was.

" Can we do this some other time?" Erebus said rissing up from his seat. "I have some business to attend to"

"We became aware of the fact that you have a soulmate" Zeus eyes flashed as thunder erupted. Ares resisted to roll his eyes at his father dramtic actions.

"Your point?" Ares asked crossing his arms clearly annoyed.

"You know it's against the rules to-"

"You acting like I chose to have one" Ares snapped.

"Then you wouldn't mind if we get rid of her?" Zeus asked.

"You fucking touch her and you will have a war at your hands and guess who will win?" Ares growled his body starting to shake.

"Father Alex is good for him" Apollo said going up to stand beside Ares. "Has any wars occurred since he has been with her? No she tames him"

"I agree" Dionysus shouts raising his glass in the air again. "My dear brother has found love" Ares felt himself starting to calm down as his Dad sat back in his seat.

"I see" Zeus paused for a moment. "We shall vote then"

Thank you for reading!!❤️

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