Chapter Thirteen

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"You are aware that he likes you right?" Sally said leaning against the counter. I sigh making sure Ares isn't anywhere to be seen.

"Would you stop saying that? He could pop up any minute?" I whispered to her motioning towards the door. I got up early for work. I was going to wake Ares up but he looked so peaceful So I couldn't bring myself to do it.

"Who cares? It's obvious he likes you he practically has it written out on his forehead" Sally said sticking her tongue out at me.

"Hey, Sal remember that time where you said we should keep our work life separate from our private life?"

"I would never say such a thing'" Sally said placing a hand over her heart. "I will always encourage e you to tell me your private life."

"Well, it was worth a shot" I mumbled cleaning off the counter. Business is always slow in the morning. But the elderly like to come in on Monday morning after their bingo. So I persuaded Sally to open extra early on Mondays. It took a lot of conniving to get that to work but I did it.

"Speaking of the Devil look who is finally here" I glance at the door and see Ares standing in the doorway a glare on his face.

"You didn't wake me," He said his voice emotionless.

"I didn't," I said. Well, I didn't know what else to say to that. I mean what would you say? How does someone respond to that?

"You're supposed to wake me up"

"I was going to but you looked tired so I figured I would let you sleep in" I pause almost peeing my pants when I look into his eyes. I never meet someone so scary in my life. "Plus not a lot of people come in on Mondays  right Sally?" I turn to look towards Sally but she's not there. She left me alone to die.

"You could have been hurt," He said walking closer to me. I frown noticing the frantic look in his eye. I didn't mean to worry him. Wait no Alex he wouldnt worry about you.

"That's not very likely the chance of that happening are slim to-"

"It could have happened" He growled. "You are weak and incapable of defending yourself"

"I'm sorry?" I frowned as I walked over to the cash register.

"No, you're not." Um someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed today. Note to self aways wake up Ares. "Look at me when I'm talking" He grabbed my waist causing my eyes to widen. His blue eyes are filled with anger. I could feel his hands shaking on my waist.

"Customers could walk in any second," I tell him awkwardly placing my hand on his shoulder.

"Someone could have hurt you" This may sound crazy but I swear I saw something red flash in his eyes. It was only for a second but I swear it was there. Okay calm down Alex. Like you really saw a red flash. This is why you shouldn't stay up all night watching Anime I tell myself.

"I'm fine" I give him a slight smile.I slowly bring my hand to his face. "I'm fine" I repeat feeling his breathing slow done. The anger look in his eye starts to fade.

"Ah Sweetie I knew you would find a boyfriend and he is a looker too" I push Ares away turning around to see Mrs. Darcy. She is always the first one to come on Mondays. She always says because she walks the good stuff before the others take. She is like a grandma to me. Her white hair is pinned into a bun and she gives me a wink.

Oh god Mrs. Darcy just saw all that.


I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. Thank you for reading! :)

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