Chapter Sixteen

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Authors Note

Ares and Apollo have been gone for four months. Alex is now 19 and lives in an apartment by herself. 

As you are going to see Alex has somewhat changed and you will find more about that later.

Anyway, hope you enjoy this chapter. Thank you so much for the support you guys are the best. <3

"Alex, I bet their fine" Sally said placing the cupcakes into the oven. I just can't help but worry. It's been a four months. .Every since they left I've been filled with worry. 

Every night I would wonder if they were coming back. What if there in trouble? I haven't been able to sleep that much because every time I slept  I have the same nightmare. Every night I dream of  Ares he is on his knees his whole body covered in blood. It's like someone is hitting him but I can't see who it is. It's always the same dream. It's not normal to have dreams like this. 

"I'm just over thinking it," I said looking down at my fingers. I could already see Sally frowning at me.

"You're still having the nightmares?" Sally asked.

"I'm fine," I said trying to give her a convincing smile. The truth is I'm not fine. I've been on edge every since they disappeared.

"Alex,  Its been a four months. They probably just found somewhere else to stay"

"Yeah" I've never really thought about that. I just have gotten so use to them being here. I never thought about when they were going to leave. Nothing has been the same. I haven't felt the same. Everything turned gray. This past four months. has been horrible. But one good thing happened. My mom is seeing a great guy who actually treats her right. She's found the love she's always deserved. 

"Go get some fresh air"

"I'm fin-"

"Go" I sighed knowing how this would end if I fought her. But I didn't want to leave because when I'm alone that's when my thoughts start to wander and I start thinking about how they could be in trouble.

When I go outside I realize I have no idea where to go. There's nowhere I want to go.

"Just leave me alone" I hear women yell from behind me. I turn around seeing a young girl who looks about 15 being followed by a guy who looks like he is in his forty's.

"Oh come on sweetheart"The girl's eyes meet mine. What kind of old man would hit on a fifteen year old girl?

"Sir she said to leave her alone," I said finding my voice. I walk over to them putting myself between the girl and the man.

"No one fucking asked you" I step back slightly taken aback by his language.

"Did this girl asked to be harassed  by you?" I said stepping forward shocking myself. His eyes widened clearly shocked too. "Now why don't you leave?"

"Why you little bitc-"

"I wouldn't finish that sentence if I were you" I hear a familiar voice say from behind me. No, it couldn't be. Maybe I'm starting to go crazy? I slowly turn around seeing Apollo and Ares.They look Exactly the same. My eyes wander down to there bodies noticing the  suits they have on.My eyes go to Apollos wrists. He has a freaking Rolex. Apollo gives me a smile but it doesn't seem right.  While Ares eyes are focused on the guy.

"What are you going to do huh?"

"Oh, I'm not going to do anything my brother, on the other hand, might kick your ass if you don't disappear." I look into Apollos eyes noticing the sinister look in them. Something I've never seen before.Right, when he says that the guy walks away. A look of annoyance on his face.

"Thank you," The girl says to me giving me a smile. "If you didn't help me I don't know what would have happened"

"You're welcome," I said giving her a slight smile.

"I have to go but again thank you" She gives me one last smile before running off. I take a deep breath my eyes going back to Ares and Apollo.

When  Ares' eyes meet mine I feel myself getting angry. How could he just leave without saying goodbye? Couldn't he have called to say he was fine? I turn my back to them heading back to Sally's. I can't handle this. My feeling are all starting to come back to me. All the memories. It feels like I'm dreaming.

"We should go teach him a lesson," Apollo said quickly catching up to me. What's wrong this Apollo? This isn't the Apollo I know.I feel a hand grab my wrist causing me to stop walking. Immediately I know it was Ares. 

"Leave Apollo" I turn to face Ares his hand tightening around my wrist.

"Always trying to get rid of me  fine I'm going to find the guy" Apollo said running in the direction of the guy. What's going on?

"Let me go," I say calmly trying to break free of his grasp.

"I'm not going to let go so stop trying to get me to" Ares growled. I look up at him feeling my heart stop. Good to know he is still a jerk. 

"I don't want to talk" I don't even know why I said that. I do what to talk more than anything. But when Ares left. I realized something. Something that scared me something that still does scare me.I realized  I was falling in love with him.

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