Chapter Forty-One

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"Alex" Ares mumbled softly causing me to look at him. All I think when I see this guy is how can someone be this good looking. Its not fair. I must have been zoning out because next thing I know Ares is two inches away from my face. His eyesbrows raised.   


"Do you think if we ignore Apollo he'll go away?" Ares said as I bust out laughing. Ares breaks into a smile pulling me into his arms. 

"No he won't," Apollo said getting up from the couch shoving one last chip into his mouth. His brown eyes seem to fill up with excitement. 

"What's going on Apollo?" I asked seeing his smile widen. 

"Dionysus said he's coming over," Apollo said going over to the front door slamming it open walking out. 

"Dionysus" Apollo shouted his voice filled with fear. Ares and I both look at each other before running out the door following  Apollo's voice.  Dionysus looks at us his blond hair sticking up in every direction. His shirt is covered in what I'm assuming is blood He is breathing heavily. His eyes seem cold until he sees us. He instantly relaxes giving us a lazy smile.  Apollo is instantly in-front of him checking for any signs of damage. 

"This isn't your blood right?" Apollo asked moving Dionysus head to the side. 

"What happened?" Ares demanded. 

"Something attacked me," Dionysus said motioning at his body. "But I thought that was kinda obvious brother"  Dionysus gave me a smile waving his hand.  "Alex you still look as beautiful as always" 

"What attacked you?" Ares said. "Did they say what they wanted?"

"Well, Ares I was too busy trying to kill them rather than play 21 questions with them"  Dionysus snapped closing his eyes. The aura around him seems to fade.  

" Are you hurt?" I asked. There are no cuts or wounds that I see right now. Can Gods even get hurt? What attacked him?  Is he in danger? A million thoughts race through my mind. 

"How weak do you think I am?" Dionysus opens his eyes revealing his grey eyes. "It's been awhile since I took down some monsters. I kinda miss it" He paused looking as us curiously. "Something here is attracting monsters"

"Like what?" Apollo asked. He seemed calmer probably relieved that Dionysus didn't have any fatal wounds. He steps back from Dionysus glancing back at Ares and me. "

"This might sound like a strange question Alex but have any Demi gods been to your apartment?" Demigods?

"Wait that Hephaestus kid," Ares said looking at if he was scolding himself. "How could I be so careless?" Wait, Hephaestus? He's talking about Angel. What does Angel have to do with this?

"Is Angel okay?" I asked panic coursing through my veins. If something has happened to him I don't know what I would do. He's like my little brother. How would I explain this to Sally and her mom?

"Who?" Apollo asked looking down at me. "You know a demigod?"

"Sally's brother is the son of Hephaestus" Ares explained glaring up at the sky. "I don't like him"

"They probably smelled his scent that's why they were crawling outside this apartment." He waves a finger at me shaking his head. "No more Demigods in this apartment young lady" 

"Wait what's going on?" What does he mean they smell him? Oh, so I can have actually freaking Gods in my apartment but not demigods?

"Demigods leave a scent that attracts monsters" Ares explained his fingers trailing circles down my arms. "So it's not safe for him to come to the apartment" 

"Wait are they outside his house right now then?" I asked getting my phone out of my pocket feeling the need to send him a message that they are most likely monsters outside of his apartment.

"Probably," Dionysus said shrugging his shoulders.  "He is more than capable of handling monsters its in his blood to fight them."  

"Normally they won't attack humans," Apollo said giving me a thumbs up. "So his family should be safe."

"For some reason they attacked me," Dionysus said clutching his blood-soaked shirt. "Do you know how expensive this shirt is?"

"Oh no," Ares said sarcasm clear in his tone.

"When are you gonna stop avoiding dad?" Dionysus asked looking at Ares curiously. Since when is Ares ignoring his dad?  "We all have Daddy Issues Ares deal with it."

"I have nothing to talk to him about," Ares said leading me back into the house. I pull away from him stopping him from moving. Waiting for an explanation. 

"Why are you avoiding your dad?" I asked. Ares blue eyes seem clouded. He sighs looking everywhere but my eyes. "Ares"

"My dad wants me to go back to Olympus for awhile" My eyes widen. Of course, his dad does. Ares is a God. He probably has important stuff to do. I doubt helping me cook is considered important in his dad's eyes.  "There is no point in talking about this because I'm not going." 

"He needs you Ares" Dionysus looks at me almost as if he is begging for me to do something. "Do you know how hard it is to drink when Dad keeps talking my ear off"

"Why does he need Ares?" Apollo asked looking just as confused as me. "Why am I never in the loop?" 

"There are rumors of a war forming," Dionysus said looking back at Ares. "Without Ares back at Olympus  some gods and goddess are thinking they can overthrow our dad" 

"Dad can handle them," Ares said rolling his eyes. 

"Seriously did you guys have a let's not tell Apollo anything meeting?" Apollo interrupts waving his hands in the air. 

"Look Ares I'm not asking you to stay up at Olympus forever. Just long enough to show that you still team Zeus maybe wear a t-shirt with dad's face on it or wave around a flag" Dionysus said his voice rising slightly. "I'm supposed to be the irresponsible one, Ares. You know I only had 3 glasses of wine today"

"It's only 11 am" I jump in looking down at my phone. It's not even noon yet and this boy already had three glasses. But Ares should go help his dad.

"Exactly Alex" He looks down at his watch in horror. "Wait it's already 11?" He runs his fingers through his hair. "I think I'm sober right now and it's all your fault" 

"Ares you should help dad," Apollo said wrapping his arms around me. "I can take care of Alex"

"That's one of the many reasons I'm not going" Ares's eyes roll into the back of his head for a second before returning to their original bright blue. "They are planning to go against dad sooner than I thought," Ares said sounding out of breath. 

"What do you think I've been trying to tell you. Ares, they are serious this time." Ares looks down at me pulling me away from Apollo.  Woah did Ares just have a vision? This is giving me a That's So Raven vibe and I'm living for it. 

"Do you think you'll be okay if go?" He whispers into my ear. 

"As long as you do some meal prepping for me before you leave" I whisper back giving him a smile. There's no way I'm gonna be okay with going back to eating cereal for every meal. 

"I'll come back Alex It shouldn't take that long and if it does I will visit we'll never be apart for long. I'll make sure of it"

"I'm so glad I found you lying in the middle of the road" I sob hiding my head into his chest.

"I love you, Alex"

"I love you too" I mumbled my head still pressed against his shirt. 

"Did they forgot we were here?" I heard Dionysus say. "Should we leave?" 

"Do you have any tissues? I feel so emotional" Apollo choked out. 


Thank you guys so much for reading!! I appreciate every single one of you guys!!

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