Chapter Twenty Four

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"Mom" I protested trying to think of a way to calm her down but end up with nothing. Apollo gives me a sad smile moving to stand next to his brother. I gently squeeze Ares hand one more time before letting go.

"It was never my intention to hurt your daughter. My only intentions was to keep her alive and at the time the only solution I had was leaving. I thought if I was out of her life she would be the safest" Ares stated as my mom looks up at him confusion written on her face. "But I was wrong Alex is the safest when she is with me." I turn back to Ares. Is he going to tell my mom what he is? Because if he does he better be prepared to catch my mom as she faints.

"What do you mean to keep her alive?" My mom said her eyes filled with worry as she looks at Ares and Apollo.

"I have a lot of enemies Ma'am people who want to hurt me and the best way to hurt me is to hurt the one thing I care about," Ares said his eyes moving towards me before going back to my mother.

"Ares," Apollo said pretending to wipe a tear from his eye. "I care about you too," Apollo said wrapping his brother in a hug. I hold back a smile as Ares pushes his brother off of him a little too hard causing Apollo to fly across the room hitting his head against the wall. "Why does love hurt so much?" Apollo says dramatically placing a hand against his forehead. My mother gasps in shock. He decides to use his strength now when my mother is here? I look back at my mom wondering how she hasn't fainted yet. As I hear  Apollo groan.

"Apollo?" I asked running over to him to help him up. My eyes wander off to the wall seeing the new hole that formed thanks to Ares. I sent him a glare knowing this will come out of my paycheck. Guess who not going to be able to pay for her cable bill?

"What are you?" My mother asked fear clear in her voice. I go behind my mother holding my arms out just in case she faints. Is he really going to tell her?

  "Ares god of war" Ares said bowing his head slightly. I almost choke. Did he really just bow?  Did a god just bow at my mother?  He looks up his eyes seeming brighter but it quicky fades away.

  "What?" My mother said shuffling her feet back. "This is crazy"

  "Its true Eliza Don't our names sound familiar Apollo Ares? We are greek gods" Apollo said getting up from the floor. " Do you know How werid it is to hear that? I still can't even wrap my head around it. I doubt my mom will be able too?

"Of course" My mom whispers running a hand through her hair. "Apollo god of healing that's how you cured me" She turns to Ares. "God of war huh? No wonder you seem to have a temper"

"What?" I asked. "Mom your just accepting this? Wheres the shock?" I asked waving my hands in the air. "They are gods immortals heck who knows how old they are. how are you handling this so well?"

  "Sweetie, you have to admit it was kind of obvious I mean who names their kids Apollo and Ares?" My mom said shaking her head. Alright, the names did sound kinda strange at first. But I mean come on. If you heard their name would your first assumption be 'Oh they must be gods' No it wouldn't be.


"You will protect my daughter?" My mom said looking Ares staight in the eye.

"With my life," Ares said with no hesitation. Still, in shock, I walk over to my mom placing a hand on her forehead.

"Mine too," Apollo said.

"Alex, what are you doing?"

"How are you okay with this?" Her temperature seems normal. Here I am still processing this and here is my mom acting as if this is the most normal thing to hear. I feel an arm wrap around my waist pulling me into his chest. I know its Ares by the sparks I feel as he touched me.

"Shouldn't you be glad she's taking this well?"Ares whispered into my ear.

"Yeah" I mumbled tucking a piece of hair behind my ear before taking a deep breath. Maybe I'm overreacting there just gods. Wait NO I'm not overreacting there freaking gods!

"Alex we have a 9435" Sally yelled running into the bakery.No it can't be. I raise my head up quickly feeling my heart beat quicken"Oh Hi Mrs. River" Sally said panting slightly she leans down placing her hands on her knees. Ares grips tightens as he looks around the room. I wiggle my way out of his grasp quickly walking over to Sally.

"Sally No" I whispered placing my head against her shoulder. She can't be back anything but that. I take my head off Sally shoulder looking at my mom knowing she had the answer to my question.

"Mom why did you come here to tell me?" I asked hoping the answer wasn't what I'm thinking.

"Your cousin Jessica is back in town" My mom says causing my heart to drop. Jessica is... well how do I put it?

"The bitch is back" Sally grumbles crossing her arms in anger.  "Sorry Mrs River"

"She is something else" My mom said nodding her head.

------------------------------------------------------Thank you for reading!!! ❤️

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