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It was soon lunch break which meant I could finally eat. I would've gone earlier but I didn't want to meet up with Damien nor his girl of the week. Pretty sure I'm allergic to Brittney Spears perfume now. I quickly grab my purse before rushing to the cafeteria.

I was gonna die.

Once I reach my destination I sigh in relief before noticing the long line. This is why I hated school so much because it'd take forever to just eat. I swear half of my lunch time was wasted by waiting in the long ass line.

When Ashley collects her food and notices me in the line, she waves me over and I reluctantly walk over to her.

"You know you can show your ID to the chefs and you'll get your lunch faster?" Ashley chuckles and I blush before shrugging.

"I'm used to it," Ashley smiles before thrusting her potato salad into my hands.

"Here, you take mine and I'll get another way," I give her a silent thank you before she walks off to the kitchen to get another salad. I was actually tempted to get the double cheese pizza...But a potato salad will do justice for now.

I sit at an empty booth before placing the container on the salad. I open it up and before I can even savour the taste, the salad is whisked away from me. My eyes narrow before turning to the assailant.

Well, I wouldn't really call them that...But who cares! MY food was taken!

"Damien!" I yell before reaching over to take my food. He holds it up in the hair with a grin and I growl, "What is your problem?!"

"Nothing. I just like to annoy you," He admits and I roll my eyes in annoyance, "You're eating at least 500 calories."

I slowly blink at Damien as he raises an eyebrow, "Seriously, I don't care. If I don't have diabetes and I ain't fat then the calories don't matter. Now give me my food," Damien chuckles as he shakes his head before passing me my potato salad.

Oh look, he listens.

To say it was awkward was an understatement. I've never been under so much pressure when I was eating. Damien was staring at me and so was the whole freaking cafeteria. Apparently, if you eat lunch with Damien it automatically makes you some kind of statue at an art museum.

"Why is everyone staring at me?" I mumble and Damien rolls his eyes.

"They aren't staring at you dumbo, they're staring at me," Damien flexes and I gag before returning to my potato salad. 

I was relieved that Damien hadn't brought up the situation that had happened earlier today because that was awkward. More than awkward actually...I had only met him in like a week and he was already starting to get too comfortable.

After twenty minutes everyone started to leave the cafeteria to get back to work. It was only Damien and me left as I still had to finish my potato salad. Once Damien had received a message he turns to me and gives me a sly smirk.

"Don't think I haven't forgotten about what happened earlier on," Is the only thing he says before walking off.

Great. He does have a brain.

After I had finished my potato salad I had gotten a message from Ashley to meet her at Damien's dressing room. I groan in disappointment before throwing the empty container away and walking to his dressing room. Once I open the door I am met with two girls mumbling incoherent words while Damien skims through his phone.

And me being my clumsy self just has to break the silence. 

My foot hits the vase in the corner causing me to slip on the floor as the vase shatters into pieces. I groan before facepalming as I hear Damien burst out into laughter. Both of the girls gasp before running to me and helping me up.

The Womanizer (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now