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Oh, and can we just admire Ethan Dolan just once again? Gahh, you guys don't know how badly I want to meet him ;(

My heart was pounding out of my chest. I really didn't know what to think, what to do..If I should kill Damien or not. I was sitting against a building wall with my legs in front of me. I was literally still in my bikini probably looking like an idiot from the strangers that walked past.

"Oh God, what am I going to do.." I mutter with my face in my hands. I was screwed. I didn't have my phone with me neither did I have a friend. I was wearing a bikini and I was freezing my ass off. To make it even worse; I had no clue where I was.

I just wanted to get away from Damien as far as possible, hoping that I would never see him again. There were cameras EVERYWHERE! The whole auditorium was filled with people who would spread the drama around. Everyone was going to think I was dating or had a 'thing' with Damien. When it was the complete opposite.

"Wait..Isla..?" I lift my head up from my hands to meet the sight of Nathan.

"Nathan!? What are you doing here..?" I ask him with raised eyebrows.

"More important, what are you doing here? You're wearing a freaking bikini in such a cold climate. And my Facebook has been overloading with pictures of-"

"Don't say it," I stare at him bluntly and he chuckles, "Anyway..Where are you going?"

His face turns red and he rubs the back of his neck, "Uh nowhere.."

I squint my eyes as I stare at Nathan carefully, "Oh really? Because to me, it seems like you are heading the same direction to the fashion show. Not to mention you are holding a Victoria Secret bag containing a perfume box," I fold my arms while smirking at him.

He sighs before running a hand through his hair, "Okay, Maybee I was going to surprise Eri-"

"No way! You guys are still talking?!" I grin gladly as his cheeks go red.

"Uh..Yeah..I guess."

"We have to go back!"

"If you don't remember, you did kiss Damien Pierce on stage in front of many cameras. Are you sure you want to go back?" Nathan clears up my memory and I nod slowly the memory coming back to my mind.

"Good point. Let's go back to my apartment."


"You're apartment I guess," I chuckle before following Nathan to his car.


The next morning I woke up in the comfiest bed ever. Nathan let me sleep over at his house meaning that I cold sleep in his comfy ass beds that he has. What I was not looking excited for was about going to work.

Not only will I have people staring at me while whispering, but people will also have Damien there. Being Damien's assistant does mean I sometimes do have to associate with him. I have to organize his schedule and co operate with him.

But that is not going to happen when I'm ignoring him. Like my life couldn't get any worse, I just realized that I didn't have any spare clothes.

"Ah..Great.." I mumble as I stuff my face into the pillow.

"Ya know, if you want to not be late for your work, you should probably get up," I feel Nathan's body hover over my body and I squint my eyes not wanting to get out of the warmth of the bed.

"Do you have the freaking air conditioner on?!" I exclaimed trying to dodge the topic about me working.

I could feel Nathan involuntarily roll his eyes knowing that I was dodging any topic related to that certain person.

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