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this chapter is written in third person. enjoy! :)


Two years later

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Two years later.

Isla Accardo was back in New York City after two years and it had felt different. The week she had left had been emotional and she had made sure that the first people she told were her parents. Obviously, they weren't exactly excited about her decision but nonetheless let their precious daughter go.

Erin, Amelia, Nathan and Alec had all been there to say their farewells at the airport and to say it was emotional was an understatement. Leaving her friends would be difficult but Isla knew she'd survive.

After all, she'd left the one person she loved the most.

Damien hadn't been there on the day she left and Isla was slightly grateful for that, knowing that if he was there, she might've rethought her whole decision of leaving.

Being in Los Angelus taught Isla a lot and she was now a stronger individual than when she had left New York. She was halfway in her journalism course and had decided to come back in the Christmas holidays to make up lost time with her friends and family.

Christmas was a busy season and so she wasn't surprised when her mum had requested for her to help out with their family restaurant. It had become a large business in their side of New York City and was usually packed during the afternoons and evenings.

"You know this is more tiring than I remembered," Isla whines to her dad. He chuckles, ruffling her hair.

"You'll get through it, now come on you still had many tables to serve," he pushes her out of the kitchen and towards the seating area, "And I think that table in the corner is wanting your service."

When she had turned to question her dad he had already disappeared. Isla sighs, making her way towards the table, clicking her pen to write their order, "Hello, what can I get for you?"

"Hmm, can I please have an avocado toast?"

"Uh, I'm sorry sir but that's not-" Isla's eyes lift to theirs, her pen dropping from her grasp. He gives her a warm smile, resting his head on his interlocked hands. 

Damien Pierce had been planning for this moment to happen the moment he heard that she was back. Despite Isla telling him not to wait for her, he did nevertheless. He waited patiently for her return knowing that he deserved a second chance for waiting this long. His arrogance hadn't changed the least.

"Damien," Isla whispers, her eyes not believing the sight in front of her. If she had thought Damien Pierce was attractive before than she didn't know how to describe him now. His build was more masculine than she had remembered and the deep stubble along his jaw and chin had made Isla's stomach do tumbles on how different he looked. His hair had grown slightly longer and she no longer saw the flamboyant playboy she had seen those years ago.

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