Good luck x

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Derek's POV:

"So, remember dear nephew, call me when you've settled in and you've had a look around the campus... Alright..." My Uncle Peter says, so i nod, giving him a hug.

"Yes, of course Uncle..." I laugh, so he ruffles up my hair, handing me my bags before driving off back to LA.

I managed to get accepted into Yale collage, despite being older than most people, they gave me another shot to re-write my future.

I walk around, trying to find my dorm wing, when i fall into someone...

"I'm sorry...." I mumble, turning to face a blonde haired woman.

"Oh god, I'm sorry... Are you lost?" She asks, so i nod. "Where is it your heading, I'll show you." She smiles nicely.

"The West wing Twenty-Four." I say biting my lip and looking around for it.

"Oh, that's right over here."  She gestures for me to follow her, so i do so as she makes light conversation.  "I'm Erica by the way... Collage student, majoring in medicine..." She says proudly, so i smile and shake her hand.

"Derek. New student, majoring in being a lawyer." I say and she gasps, jumping up and down.

"My boyfriend is doing that exact thing! Maybe you'll see him... Look out for someone called Vernon Boyd, but just call him Boyd." She chuckles so i do the same nodding.   "Well, anyways, have fun on campus, hopefully we can be good friends...  Here's your dorm... And errrm, good luck."

"Why do i need luck?" I ask, giving her an odd look.

"No one has ever stayed with your roommate...   He's, err, ADHD, and A.D.D, so he's very hyperactive, like... All the time." She says, giving me another hand shake before quickly walking off.

I stand outside the door, watching her fun off out of view, turning back, scared to open the door to what i might have gotten into...

I decide to take a deep breath, and just open the door... I swing it open and the second i walk in, music is blasting so loud, and as i close the door, i walk through the living room, to see paints everywhere, all over the floor, couch and even the TV...  I walk over to the kitchen side of the room, where the music is coming from, to see food and mess all around the floors, sides and cupboards...   I look over to the far side of the bomb site, to see a relatively tall teen with dark hair and a small frame, dancing and singing loudly into a wooden spoon as he also mixes some sort of batter in a bowl.

I cough, and he doesn't hear me, so i cough even louder making him jump and turn around.

"Oh my god you scared me!" He laughs, blushing and turning off the music.

He has pale skin, with small moles that scatter around his face and down his arms.

"Hey, I'm your new roomie..." I say, setting my bags down in a no mess area and walking over to him.

"Well, hey there my names Stiles." He holds out his hand for me to shake so i do so.

"Derek...    What a... errmm... Place." I say looking around.

"I'm sorry, i didn't realize i was getting a roomie, they stopped giving one to me...   I'm majoring in art, so i was working on something... I'll clean it up now." He says, rushing over forgetting the food cooking on the stove.

After a few seconds, the food bubbles over so her drops all the paint over the floor, making more mess, and running over to stop the food overflowing...

"Let me help, you do the food, I'll clean up the paints." I say, walking off into the living room.

After about an hour of cleaning, i walk into the kitchen to see dinner made and he's set out the table for me too.

"It's a new record." He laughs. So i give him a confused look as we sit down in the now clean kitchen.  "Everybody else, saw the mess, saw me as his hyperactive teen, and left within two seconds." He frowns so i chuckle and smile to him.

"Well, they're just stupid because, it wasn't even that bad and you seem like an awesome person." I laugh and he smiles back, filling his cheeks with food so i nod my head smiling and eat some of my food also.

I help him wash up, and we both decide to get some sleep for tomorrow.

"We share a room, but there's two beds.  I tend to talk or walk in my sleep... Sometimes i have nightmares, so if i do, just wake me up and I'll be fine." He yawns stretching.

As he does this, his shirt rises up some and i see his happy trail with some moles scattered around it with a thin trail of hair leading into his pants.

I nod, pulling off my shirt and pants, staying in my boxers and walking over to my bed, which is right next to his...

I look over and catch him staring at me, and once he notices I'm looking right back at him, he jerks around and blushes a dark red, pulling off his own top and getting into bed...

"Goodnight Derek." He says quickly... Clearly embarrassed.

"G'night Stiles." I say quickly too.

I need to get a new roomie.

This was supposed to be a one shot, but i think it is better if i do this as a whole story because i can see that happening... xx

I was going to do loads of small parts, but i would have done too many.... So basically this was going to be my one shot update, so i will have to update them tomorrow now okie xx

Thanks guys. xx

So here's a new story i guess xx

Stay tuned for more love y'all xxxx

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