People can know

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Derek's POV:

The movie shortly finishes and Stiles starts drifting off against my shoulder so I chuckle fondly as I shake him awake making him groan into my neck.

"Mmmm, what?"

"We woke up two hours ago, and your already back asleep?" I say quietly, and he rolls some to sit up, rubbing his eyes.

"I know, I've seen the movie way more times than I can count, the new ones nearly released though." He yawns and I laugh.

"Do you maybe, wonna go out for a bit?" I ask, and in less than two seconds he's up and as energetic as ever as he runs off, but to return only seconds later with his shoes. "Woah, calm down." I smile, trying to move around him as he laughs and jumps about.

"Can we go get lunch too?!" He giggles, jumping on my back and kissing my cheek, so I pull his legs up and hold his ass making him squeal.

"Of course babe." I chuckle, and he kisses my face over and over again, jumping off and taking my hand in his as we walk out the door and head out of West wing.

We walk for a while, until we turn the corner, and millions of college students walk around to their lessons or leisurely activities, so I pull my hand away from Stiles' and look down to the ground.

Seconds later he stops and grabs my arm to pull me next to him.

"What's wrong?" He asks softly, so I bite my lip and look around.

"I don't want you getting more shit... Because of me..." I sigh, and he rolls his eyes, leaning up and pressing a kiss to my lips.

"People can know. I don't care anymore. I have something that's all mine to show off." He says proudly, pushing his hand through my hair and down, back into my hand.

"Are you sure?" I breathe and he nods slowly, pulling my arm around him as we walk off to the food yard.

"I'm pretty sure, I'm sure Der." He laughs so I smile widely and press a kiss to his temple.

"As long as your okay with that, I won't let go." I say, squeezing him tighter into me.

"I don't want you to." He hums, so we both walk in comfortable silence as we walk through the food yard and sit down.

"Hey, so, tomorrow... My friends Erica, Boyd and Isaac want me to go hang with them, but I want you to come?" I ask, looking over to him, but he tenses and shifts some in his seat. "Babe?" I ask gently, and he blinks out of his daze and messes with his food.

"Erm, I'd prefer to stay at home and watch a movie, but you can still go with them." He smiles weakly, so I frown and pull him closer.

"What's wrong?" I ask, and he sighs, facing me fully.

"Isaac Layhey?" He asks, and I nod. "He used to give me a lot of shit about my sexuality, until he stated dating my best friend Scott. I don't see Scott much anymore cuz he's always with Isaac..." He says, close to tears, so I tut and wrap both arms around him as he snuggles into me and breathes in my scent.

"Well... How about... I don't see them, and I take you out to the cinema to watch the new star wars?" I ask and he bolts up straight and beams towards me.

"Really?! I couldn't ask you to do that!" He questions, but I just shake my head and mess with his hands.

"Fuck it.  Stand up. We're going now." I smile, and he stumbles to his feet before jumping on my back for a second time today.

"Oh my god! Your the best! Seriously Der!" He shouts and everyone looks at us with weird expressions, so I smirk and walk off, carrying Stiles on me.

After a long while of walking and jabbering, Stiles is slouching along my back as I carry him, and we eventually turn up outside the cinema at three in the afternoon.

"And then, he chopped off his head, but because he was a zombie, he had to be burned too, and after that they all set of-" He stopped talking momentarily as he slides off my back as we stand in the line... Taking his spot back under my arm as he continues to talk.  "And then they set off back to his hometown to find his mother and younger sist-"

I reach down and smash my lips to his, and he instantly shuts up, fluttering his eyes closed, and holding his breath as his hands snake they're way from my sides to my neck and through the back of my hair... Mine falling and resting on his hips.

Some people in the line behind and in front of us awe at us, making us both smile and chuckle into the kiss, and he presses harder, until someone shouts and makes us jump away from one another.


Hey guys, I haven't updated this one in a while so sorry for that. Xx

I also need to update the one shots tomorrow for you all. Xx

And Daddy... Xx

I promise I'll update more regularly now... Xx

So make sure you stay tuned for more... Love y'all! XXXX

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