Looking around

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Derek's POV:

Thank god I'm out of that dorm... I mean, he seems like a cool kid an' all, but, I can't be doing with a hyper teen and having to clean up after him all the time...

...Because that's what it looks like I'd be doing.

It'll be like looking after a five year old.

I managed to get a good nights sleep, and Isaac said he was going to show me around campus with Erica and Boyd since I have my first lawyering class tomorrow morning.

Soooooo, here I am cooking us both breakfast as he has a shower and gets ready.

He walks down, dressed and ready, so we eat breakfast and walk out to the yard to meet Erica and Boyd.

"Derek', I hear someone squeal behind me so I turn to see the tall, blonde haired girl run up to me and jump onto me as she wraps her arms around my neck.

"Erica." I laugh, swinging her around and we laugh our heads off as Boyd walks over. "Hey man." I nod, and he smiles and nods back before Isaac starts to speak.

"So, where to first?" He asks, cracking his knuckles with a small smiles across his face and we all stand there for a while.

"Let's gooooo to.... The food court!" Erica squeals, so we all nod and  follow after her as she giddily skips off.

Once we get there, we all sit down on a small table, with snacks and drinks.

"So, Derek?..." Isaac starts so I look over to him. "What exactly are you studying here?" He asks, tossing a piece of lettuce into his mouth.

"Lawyer." Boyd says before me, so Isaac looks back to me, so I nod and chuckle.   "Sorry." He laughs so I just shrug and shake my head.

"No, no, it's fine.  But yeah, he's right... I'm majoring in being a lawyer." I agree so he hums and nods, looking back down to his plate.

As Erica, Boyd and Isaac talk about some, living arrangements for me... I look across the grass to see a face, I reaaally didn't want to see today.

I can literally feel the colour drain from my face as I slouch down, almost fully subducted under the table.

"Derek? You alright there?" Erica says and the boys look at me too.

"I'm fine?" I say, mainly as a question than anything else.

"What's wrong?" She asks.

Since I ignore her, she follows my gaze over to the tree, to see Stiles with a tanned kid around his age.

Her mouth forms into an '0' shape as she stands up, us three doing the same.

"Erica?" Boyd asks, so she points over to the spazzy child, and they both also 'o' in acknowledgement.   "Let's go somewhere else?" He offers so I nod as we start making our way to a different...  Stiles free zone.

Unfortunately, we had to pass him somewhat to get to where it was we were heading, so I hold my breath and wait in anxiousness.

As we got closer, I realised, he was looking at some toys...   And the tanned guy holding a stuffed teddy.

I let my breath out seeing them facing away, but choking and coughing when he turned around and looked me right In the eye.

His friend also turned around as Stiles whispered something to him.      He started to cry some, before his friend pulled them away and out of sight.

Is he crying because of me?

Because I left?

I feel a pang in my chest as we make it back to our destination, but that sad, hopeless look kept playing in my mind.

"Hey, guys... Not to interrupt this little chit chat about who or where I'm living.  I looked at a place in the Easy Wing and I'll take it so I'm out of your hair..." I lie, and they all jump up and down excitedly.

"Oh. Good for you man." Isaac smiles, patting my back, so I stand up and chuckle.

"I'll go move my things and get settled in.   Bye guys. See you tomorrow." I nod, and they all wave as I rush back to Isaac's

I smile to myself as I run back and pack all of my things, walking out and back across to West Wing.

I walk to door twenty - four, knocking lightly.

I hear some sniffles, and the pitter patter of feet before a red, puffy eyed Stiles opens up in his pyjamas.

"Der?" He sniffles, so I nod stepping In as he closes the door.

I look around to see Icecream and Curley fries on the sofa next to a quilt, as the TV plays soft music.

"Heyyyy..." I chirp, and he raises his eyebrow at me.

"What do you want Derek?" He snaps, so I gulp... Feeling guilty and upset about how he looks.

"I want to come back.  To stay.  I won't leave I promise.   I don't want to see you sad." I frown.

"I'm not upset because you 'left' dorms.   Okay well... A little. I got upset a little, because of that. But that's not why I'm like this." He huffs, lazily pointing to his face.

I put my bag down and drag him to the sofa, sitting down.

"What's wrong?" I soothe, and he cries more as he grips my arm.

"My- m- my mum died, when I was ten. And today's the anniversary of her death." He chokes, so I gasp and squeeze his arm lightly.

"Oh Stiles..." I sigh, and he sniffles, rubbing his eyes raw so I pull his hands away.  "Well, can I stay?  I want to give it another shot.  Since I'm here, I might as well try." I hum and he nods, smiling for a few seconds before crying again.

"I'd love that Derek..." He yawns, rubbing his eyes again.

"Well, good...    But, I think you should go lie down." I stand him up and he leans against me. Sticking his wet face in my neck as he sniffles and cries.

I help him to the bedroom, laying him down and in less than two seconds, he falls flat asleep.

I smile, sitting on my own bed, and watching him as he sleeps peacefully, as I run a hand through his hair.

Why did I decide to come back?

Sorry this update took so long guys. Xx

Other updates will be done tomorrow guyssss xx

So, you know the drill...

Stay tuned, love y'all xxxx

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