Getting a new roomie...

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Derek's POV:

I wake up to see the kid from yesterday... Stiles... I think he said his name was... Still sleeping in bed, so I yawn, stretching and getting out of bed.

I walk into the shared bathroom, and get washed, before getting changed into something nice and smart for my first day walking around Yale.

After getting ready and sorted I walk out of the bedroom, and out through to the living room.

I sigh looking around, scratching my head as I walk into the kitchen and stopping when I see food and sauces everywhere.

I take small, slow steps into the room and turn in a three-sixty circle. Assessing everything as I go wide eyed.

The cupboards are open, cake mixture covers all the sides, the sink is full to the brim with dishes and sauces are splattered all up the walls and on the table, among other things.

I hear something behind me so I turn to see Stiles, rubbing his eyes before looking up and smiling at me with tired eyes.

"Hey, Derek." He chirps, so all I do is nod and look back at the mess.

"Did we.... Get robbed?" I ask, looking back to the deep, whiskey eyed teen before me and he cocks his head to the side, giving me a confused look before looking to the explosion behind me.

"Ohhhh, no.  I got hungry In the night, so I woke up and made myself some brownies.  I made extra if you want some?" He asks, stepping over everything to get to the fridge so I quickly jump forwards.

"No, no, no, it's fine. I'm not hungry." I rush, pulling my hand over my face.  "I'm gonna, erm, go out and see the campus." I say, quickly walking over to the door, but he yelps and runs to my side.

"Can I come with?!" He asks excitedly... More like a five year old than any teenager.

I stutter, rubbing my neck, thinking for an excuse to not let this ADHD kid follow me all day.

"I-I, erm, d-don't you think y-you should tidy up?" I ask, looking anywhere but him in case I hurt his feelings, but he just laughs and looks around.

"Yeah.  I guess I should.  Have fun, I'll make dinner for later." He says, punching my shoulder playfully, so I chuckle uncomfortably, walking out as fast as I can and closing the door behind me.

"Thank god." I whisper, rushing down the hallway and out of the West wing.

I slow down to normal walking pace, shoving my cold hands in my pockets and looking down to the floor as I walk.

A few moments later, I bump into something, straightening up and seeing Erica with a goofy smile across her face, holding a dark skinned man's hand.

"Derek!" She squeals, letting go of the man and wrapping her long arms around me.

"Erica." I laugh, hugging her back.  "Lovely to see you again."

"Derek, this is Boyd...   My boyfriend I was telling you about." She says, taking ahold of his hand again and jumping excitedly.

"So I hear your majoring in becoming a lawyer?" He asks, extending his hand for me to take, so I do so giving him a short nod.

"I am, Erica tells me you are too, in fact?" I ask and he nods sharing a quick smile with her.  "Can we help in anyway this morning, since lawyering class is not due today?" He asks poshly.

"Ermmmm, actually, there is... Erica I need assistance with something..." I say nervously and she nods for me to continue.  "I need a new roomie." I say.

"Oh. She did say you got put with that hyperactive ball of joy." Boyd chuckles, so Erica slaps his arm and faces me again.

"What's wrong... Exactly?" She asks.

"I went in yesterday, music and paint everywhere, went into the kitchen and he was singing, loudly and food was everywhere.   So then I find out he sleep walks or talks in his sleep.       So, then, i wake up to find out he did some midnight baking session." I growl. And she pats my shoulder lightly.

"Well. Come with us and we'll look around for a new roomie okay?" She offers kindly, so I smile and nod following her into the South wing.

Once we get inside, her and Boyd walk me to a massive door, and they knock on loudly.

Someone makes small footsteps as they come to open the door, and a tall kid with curly hair opens the door.

"Erica! Boyd!" He yells happily, hugging them before turning to me. "Hello?"

"Isaac! We need a favour!" She says sweetly, giving him her best puppy dog eyes, and he narrows his before humming for her to continue.   "Since, your the only one in South wing with a large enough dorm, can Derek stay with you until we find him a new place?" She literally begs.

"Why?  Where did he stay before?" He asks, shooting me a smile.

"Stiles' dorm..." I say raising my eyebrows, and he instantly lets me in.

"Thanks Isaac, see you later!" Erica and Boyd call walking away so he waves as I walk in and sit down.

"So, everybody knows this Stiles kid?" I ask him, and he laughs.

"Yep... He sure is one of a kind that one.   Too messy and loud for everybody else, so they stopped giving him roomies..." He explains, still laughing some.

"Yeah, I get ya." I say, smiling.  "Oh, I need to go back and get my bag first." I say walking back over to the door so he nods.

"See you in a few then." He says, closing the door behind me so I walk off back to West wing.

Once I get back to dorm Twenty-four, I slowly creak the door open, seeing no mess, whatsoever, and a delicious smell coming from the kitchen.

I walk through to see the table lined with foods and drinks, with soft music and no distraction anywhere.

I turn around to see Stiles stood smiling widely at me and my heart stops in my chest.

"Derek! Your back, I made us dinner..." He says, sitting at the table so I gulp and look him in the eye.

"I'm... Not staying." I choke and he looks at me with glassy eyes.

"Wha- wh-...  No, I, er, understand... I'm used to it.  I'm to, hyper and messy. It's cool." He says, and I can tell he's fighting back some tears.

"I'm going to the South wing.  er, see you round?" I smile, and he gives me a small fake one back before I quickly rush out and back to Isaac's.

Phew, that was close.

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