Your a jerk... you know that right?

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Derek's POV:


Stiles is off me in less that two seconds... as we look over and see Erica, Boyd, Isaac and Scott...

"H-Hey Scott... What're you doing here?" He stutters, and Isaac crosses his arms.

"Seeing the new Star Wars movie... What are you doing here?" He asks, with a smile across his face.

"Doing the same actually." Stiles beams, gaining back his happiness and relaxing as he takes ahold of my hand, until somebody pushes into him causing us to let go.

"Fucking fag! Watch it yeah?!" He sneers, and Stiles gets tears in his eyes.

The guy walks off, laughing to his friends...  More people start to whisper about us, so as Stiles goes to hold my hand, I shove mine quickly in my pocket.

He's a bit taken back, and he looks up to me, but I avoid his eyes and look away as we walk to the ticket booth.  I know he said he's fine with what people say, but I'm not.

Erica, Boyd, Isaac and Scott walk in hand in hand, getting they're tickets and walking through, and Stiles doesn't say a word as I pay for ours and walk us through.

We make it into the screening room, and we find out seats that are on the opposite side from the other four, and we sit quietly...


The movie finally starts, but Stiles won't stop looking over at the other four, as they snuggle together and hold hands, his own fidgeting in his lap, and he's barley looking to the screen.

I sigh, putting my arm around him, and pulling him into me, he tenses but eventually calms down and enjoys the rest of the movie without the constant fidgets and heavy heartbeat...


The lights come back on and people start swarming out of the pictures, and eventually we all get out too...

"And then he fricken blew it up!! Like bam!  Now that... Was something I never saw coming!" Stiles yabs, and tucks himself under my arm.

"You do realise I was watching that too right?" I laugh, but he shrugs and blushes.

He's about to make a smart ass comment, until Erica butts in...  "You two want to join us all for dinner?" She charms, and as if by some canny coincidence... Stiles stomach growls loudly, making us all laugh.

"Sure, why not." I smile, and I notice the same guy from before the movie glaring at me, so I unhook from Stiles and walk off with the others.


We make it to the on campus restaurant and take a seat...

Isaac and Scott laughing about a class program, Erica and Boyd whispering sweet nothings to each other.

I sigh, holding Stiles' hand under the table as we wait for our drinks, and I bring it up to kiss it quickly, before setting it down on top of the wood.

He instantly perks up, pressing a soft kiss to my lips, sitting back down as the waitress comes over and hands us the beverages.

"Mmmm, thanks Der." He groans taking a large gulp, and I chuckle, shaking my head fondly as he falls into my side.

"You two are so fricken cute!" Erica squeals, and Boyd rolls his eyes as Scott and Isaac remain oblivious to us.

"Stop being so zany... It's creepy." Boyd sighs, and she flips her hair over her shoulder giving me a small wink as she turns to argue with Boyd.

Stiles picks up his drink and I watch him with awe as he misses the straw continuously...

"Wow, he misses." I snort, and he glares up to me playfully before curling into me.

"Ass." He mumbles.

I hum, about to stand my ground, when my eye catches the blonde kid who hit Stiles the other day looks over and snaps pictures of us with his phone.

Thinking of Stiles, I pull my hand from his and move away some.  He snaps up and narrows his eyes at me.

"That's it.." He slams his drink down, causing the other four to look at us. Stiles stands up and straightens out his shirt. "I'm going home, I'm sick of this." He snaps, giving me a death glare, turning and walking off.

I stand to catch up with him and Scott calls my name. "Derek?  What's wrong with him?" He asks and I bite my lip looking to the blonde lad who's laughing.

"Nothing."    I run out, and head back to West wing back at dorm.


I push open the door, and Stiles gives me a dirty look as he storms towards me.

"What the actual fuck is your problem... We only just got together, and your acting like you regret it?!" He yells.

"I'm looking out for you! People have been saying shit, and looking at us horrible all day!  You say you don't care what they say about it, but I can't leave it like that, knowing it hurts you!" I yell back, and his eyes glass over before he shoves me in the chest.

"Your a jerk, you know that right?" He snaps...  "I. Don't. Care.  They can say what they want, do what they want but it isn't going to change what we have dumbass."

"I won't... I won't sit there and act like it's nothing when people call you names or take pictures." I sigh, and he huffs some before standing in front of me with his phone.

"Jackson's the one who took the picture. I didn't see him do it at the restaurant, but he posted it shortly after I left..."

He holds out his phone and I smile at the picture he took.

He holds out his phone and I smile at the picture he took

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"When I kissed you." He smiles, pushing his phone back in his pocket.   "You need to make up your mind... Stay with me and ignore what everyone else says, or be wrong in thinking that if we break up its best for me.    I'm not a toy you can pick to play with whenever you want."

I stand, shocked at the fact this, ADHD, ADD teen, can stand his ground, and I look to the floor in shame.

He grunts, and walks off shaking his head... Slamming the bedroom door and cursing under his breath.

"I love you." I whisper

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