We need a plan...

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Derek's POV:

Me and Isaac finally got Stiles to calm down and fall asleep soon after Scott walked out on him.

But now... We're trying to calm down a hyper, happy, sugar crazed Stiles who's running round half naked in the kitchen..

"STILES!" I yell, a smile plastered on my face as he puts a pasta drainer on his head.

"So? what's the plan of action?" Isaac asks, a smirk on his features, looking like he's about to tackle a rugby player.

"You, over there..." I say, pointing to one side of the counter. "I'll go that way." I add, gesturing to the other side of the counter.

He nods and we make out way over, being as quiet as we can before jumping out, earning a screaming giggle in return as he falls on the floor.

"Gotcha!" I yell, tickling him, and he laughs until he yawns and rubs his eyes. "I think it's someone's bedtime." I hum.

"I second that motion." Isaac chuckles, so we both help carry him to bed, before tucking him in and walking back into the living room, flopping onto the couch with the same exhausted sigh.

"We seriously need a plan Der... As fun as it is, messing with him like this, he needs to be a normal college teenager..."

I nod, pulling my hand over my scruff.

"I know, trust me I know. But for now we need to sleep."

I make the sofa up for Isaac, yawning a long goodnight before shuffling into the room where little, innocent snores are seeping from the covers.

I climb in, careful not to wake him up, where he instantly curls into my warmth, tugging onto my shirt for protection.

I soon fall asleep after, darkness overcoming the swift beat of out hearts.

I wake up to a scream in the living room so I run out, fear and worry crossing my mind as I notice the space next to me empty.

"Shit... Fuck.... Stiles?!.. Isaac?!" I yell, skidding to a halt at the horrific sight before me...

Paint, over the furniture.

Furniture upside down.

Ripped cushions.

I scoff and shake my head as I watch a feather float in front of my face.

"Somebody wanna explain?" I sigh, and they both just sit there, eyes wide, the most cutest looks on their faces.

"He started it!" They both shout, pointing to one another.

"You see, I was gonna say, wait here why I pop to the library for some books. But now. I'm thinking, I have a phone for a reason." I say rolling my eyes, pulling out my phone as the two continue to mess around with... Nutella.

Both as bad as the other...

After around two hours of searching endlessly on the world wide web, I'm about to give up until a heading catches my eye.


I chuckle to myself, looking over to Stiles. A pet... About right with this mess I huff clicking on the link.

'Is your pet being annoying? Are you sick of constantly coming home to a mess? Does your pet need dire help? You've come to the right place! Your pet may be suffering from anxiety or loneliness... Getting into mischief to show you they miss you. Sometimes this is not the case, but many ways can be used to treat many different circumstances...'

I hum in bordem, skipping the unnecessary points to animal rehabilitation.

'Finally, many vocal ways can be used to help teach your pet to revert to old ways. As if teaching them a trick, only needed once. Try these and you might see vital improvements to their behaviour: Alpha, Beta, Omega... This helps show dominance between you and your pet. Or maybe out second motto: The sun, The moon, The truth... This helps calm the pet, whatever emotion she/he might be feeling. Give them a try or if not, visit out other website on the link below.'

I bite my lip. "Stiles.. Come here." He stands up and waddles over, sitting on my lap. " I'm gonna try something real quick okay?" I ask and he nods.

"You found summet?" Isaac questions so I shrug.

I think a little as I try to remember the sayings. "Alpha... Beta... Omega." I say softly, but he just stares at me dumbly, so I think of the other one. "The sun... The moon... The truth?" I continue slowly.



"You can go play again baby." I sooth and he climbs off running back to Isaac who gives me a confused look to which I shake my head.

I look back on my phone and go to the other website The only thing in my sight, a number.

I click on it confused, and after three rings, it answers instantly.


"H-Hi. Who is this?" I ask.

'Doctor Deaton, might I ask who you are?'

"My names Derek. I'm having some... Pet issues." I start.

'By the way you paused I'm guessing you mean supernatural? I'll be at you location in the next few hours.'

The line goes dead and I stare at the phone...

"A pet problem?" Isaac smirks...

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