Let go of the pole

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Derek's POV:

I wake up to something tugging lightly on my neck, and I groan as I stretch and open my eyes slowly to reveal Isaac tugging at my bandage.

"It's a bite...." He states confused, so I roll my eyes playfully and chuckle.

"Well done captain obvious." I blink, rubbing one eye and he sighs, shaking his head with a smile playing across his lips.

"No. I mean. You said it was a scratch, but dude, that looks hella sore." He counters so I run my hand over it, trying my best not to wince.

"Well. It isn't bad. Just. A little kink you know?" I say, shading to a dark shade of pink, and he laughs.

"Ew. I'm both repulsed, and creeped by that statement." He smirks, so I push his shoulder lightly.

Talking of Stiles. Where is he?

I look down to see an empty space across my lap, where Stiles was previously sleeping, so I look around. And realise. No one is here. Except me and Isaac.

"So??? Where did everyone go?" I ask, creasing in my eyebrows as Isaac does the same, giving a light shrug of his shoulders.

"I'm not sure, Stiles got up early with the morning munchies, so he dragged the other four out to the shops with him to get pancakes... They told me to stay with you so you don't freak when you wake up, but they should be back shortly." He replies, to which I nod slowly and stand up, Isaac doing the same as he follows me to the mirror.

I throw away the dirty bandage, grabbing a clean plaster.

"Here. Let me." Isaac takes the plaster from me, sticking it firmly over the bite and I hiss slightly, until he chuckles and let's go. "Done. Wimp."

I give him a gentle glare, chuckling as we go and sit back down, switching on the television to watch a program.

Up to half an hour later, Isaac gets a text and he cocks his head to the side in confusion.

"What's up?" I ask, pausing the movie we were watching and he shakes his head, handing me his phone.

Scotty babes 😘:
Having problems with Stiles... x

I instantly become worried, sending back an quick reply.

Issy boo 😍:
It's Derek. What the hells happened?!

Almost instantly I get a reply from Scott...

Scotty babes 😘:
It's not bad, but he's acting weird... Come down the end of the path outside West wing...

In less than two seconds I'm throwing Isaac his phone back and I pull on my shoes, Isaac doing the same. And we run out the dorm, down the wing and outside to where Scott and the others are.

"What?! What happened?! Where's Stiles?! Is he okay?!" I fire and they all give me odd looks.

"He's. Erm." Erica starts, but Boyd cut her off.

"He's here....".

They all move apart and reveal Stiles, crying and hanging off a lamppost. So I raise my eyebrows.

"What happened?" I ask, looking to Boyd, and he chuckles.

"There weren't any pancakes at the shop. So he started crying. But but not like, fake crying, genuinely screaming like a child." He explains and I look over to Stiles slowly as he whines.

"Stiles, let go of the pole." I say, but he turns around and screams.


I sigh, running my hand over my face, seeing what Boyd meant by a child... So. Holding in my laughter I walk over and tug on his jacket.

"Don't make me make you." I counter, but all he does it jut out his bottom lip and widen his tear stained eyes up at me.

I shake my head fondly, pressing my lips to his, and he instantly stops crying, flopping off the pole. But. Into a caterpillar on the floor.

I grab his hood as he face plants the floor and I grin.

"Don't make me drag you." I joke and he started laughing, standing up and straightening off, walking off like nothing happened.

I give the other four a confused look, but they just shrug and follow after Stiles and me.

Once we get back to mine, Scott, Isaac, Erica and Boyd all say their goodbyes and leave to go home to study for lessons tomorrow, so I sit down with Stiles as he plays with his hand.

"So. You gonna tell me what's been going on with you all of a sudden?" I ask softly and he jumps some, avoiding my eyes.

"Nothing's been going on with me." He whispers so, I grab his hand and kiss his knuckles, making him sign. "You'll hate me if you know."

I shake my head, grabbing his chin to turn his head around and he looks up to me.

"I wouldn't ever do such thing... But, I need you to tell me first." I chuckle, but he doesn't even smile, but instead starts to cry. "Hey hey, don't cry, come on. Tell me..." I sooth, and he stops to look up at me.

His eyes a piercing gold with small fangs peering over his lip, so I gasp and stare at his features as he continues to cry.

"You will.... you will because I'm a monster."

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