Hey! Scottie...!

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Derek's POV:

Once we get back outside the dorm, he slides of my back and grabs the keys from my pocket...

"And your using mine because?" I ask, raising my eyebrows, but he just shrugs and unlocks the door.

"Because the chupacabra stole them." He says, giving me a serious look, before clutching his stomach as he laughs, so I huff, rolling my eyes and walking past.

I walk in and the whole place is spotless, and I smell some gorgeous food coming from the kitchen, so I smile over to Stiles as he kicks his shoes off.

"Go sit down, I'll bring out the food." He smiles back, so I do so, but roll my eyes.

"You didn't have to make food." I sigh, and he chuckles, bringing it out.

He places it down in front of me, and places his down, taking his seat and rolling up his sleeves.

"But I wanted to." He says, so I shake my head fondly as I take a bite.

"This is amazing!" I say in awe, taking another bite instantly, and he just shrugs and smiles as he continues to eat... "So. What's Stilinski?" I ask, and he chokes some on his pasta.

"Stilinski's my last name..." He smiles. "Stiles Stilinski."

"Erica said it and I didn't know what she was on about." I laugh, and he does too, nodding his head.

"So what's yours?" He asks eagerly, looking up to me.

""Hale...  Derek Hale." I sigh...  "Tell me everything about yourself...  I'm intrigued to get to know you..." I smile, and he perks up...

"Well... My names Stiles.. Duhhh...  Love the colour red...  I came here from Beacon Hills with my mate Scott after we graduated.  My dad stayed over there though, since he's the sheriff he needs to serve and shit.   My mum died, like you know, from a disease called frontal temporal dementia...  About two years ago." He says, a sad look playing across his face, until he shakes it off and smiles again...  "And yeah, moved here, got a class, you came and boom." He laughs.

"Well, that's extremely adventurous." I chuckle and he nods quickly as he shoves more food in his mouth.   

"Your turn!" He yelps, so I sit up and stop eating for a sec...

"My names Derek... Duhhh." I say mimicking him, causing him to flog me off so I just shrug and chuckle. "Love the colour blue...   When I was a teenager, some maniac burnt my whole house down with my family inside... So me and my uncle moved out here from LA and we thought college would be a great idea... I applied for Yale, got in and boom! Got you as my roomie, hated it, but now I love it, and yeah." I laugh, but all he does is give me a sad look.

"I didn't know that...  I had no idea.." He frowns, so I shake my head and finish off my plate.

"I don't really tell people.  Nobody knows." I shrug, standing up.  "Let's go clean these." I say, and he smiles, grabbing his plate and following me into the kitchen.

We stand there, cleaning in a comfortable silence, as he washes up and I dry them and place them away...

"Here ya go Der, the last thing..." He nods, turning to hand me a glass, so I grab it, stopping when out fingers touch, making us lock eyes and not move.

He licks his lips as I walk forwards slowly, closing the never ending gap between us, and I gulp as his breath hitches.

"Fuck it." I breathe...  I close the gap, smashing my lips to his and he lets go of the glass, sending it flying to the floor as it smashes, his hands wrapping around my neck as mine find their way to his waist.

I push him against the counter, and he moans quietly as I mouth as his neck so I smile and move my hands up his shirt.

He pushes me back, and as we kiss sloppily, we clumsily make our way into the living room.

I pull at his waist, as he pulls at my hair and throws his head back as I continue to make small, peppered marks down his skin.

"Off." He moans, pulling my top over my head, and I chuckle and he smiles into a small, rough kiss.

I move to take off his jacket, until the door swings open and the tanned guy from before walks in talking...

"So I bought you that game you want-" He stops as he looks up, dropping his jaw and dropping the bag on the floor. 

"Hey! Scottie...!" Stiles chuckles nervously, setting down off his tiptoes, and nervously plays with my hair and I go beat red in the face.

"I am so, so sorry man!" He says quickly, picking up the bag and throwing it on the sofa, so I move away from Stiles and pull my shirt back on.

"It's fine... Seriously... Thanks bro." He smiles, grabbing the bag and messing with it.

"I'll... Err... Leave." He chuckles, running out and closing the door, so I walk off to the bedroom and pull off my cloths, climbing in and yawning.

"Are we gonna talk about that?" He asks softly, placing the bag down and looking at me expectantly.

"Tomorrow, but we should sleep." I say, and he nods slowly, but gets undressed and walks over to his bed.  "What're you doing?"

"Going to bed?" He asks, pointing to it, as if it's the most obvious thing in the world.

"Get over here loser." I laugh, pulling the duvet up, and he squeals rushing over and climbing in.

"Thank you." He grins, turning his head to peck my cheek so I blush and pull him into me.

"Hmmm... Sleep." I yawn again, him following after.

"Night Der."

"Goodnight Stiles." I smile.

Sterek happened!!  Whoop whooooop! Xx

Two updates in one day... I'm proud... Xx

So, guys... Shout out to otaku6337 and Bluemoontruths please go check out their STEREK stories they are fricken amazing! And I must have re read them like 100 times! Xx

Stay tuned for more!  Love y'all xxxx

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