What the...

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Derek's POV:

Absentmindedly, I scoot back to the other side of the couch, falling off the edge, turning into a heap on the floor, scaring Stiles who does the same and as I look over to him, he's on his knees with ears and a tail!

"What the..."

"Look. Okay.  I know this isn't normal... please don't tell anyone!" He yells. 

"Your a.  Your a...  A fox?!" I shout, and he covers his ears and starts to cry.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said anything!" He cries and I shake my head.

"It's okay.   I don't mind. It's just a little weird." I counter staring at his ears, until he scoots forwards.

"Really?" He asks softly and I nod.  "Do you want to touch them?" He asks as I continue to stare at his ears and he wiggles them, making me chuckle.

I nod cautiously and he smiles, tilting his head towards me as I carefully reach out with my hand.

I pull back and hesitate a little, until I finally feel the soft, delicate fur between my fingers and I stroke ever them.

"They're beautiful." I whisper, and he looks down and blushes. "Can I, er, touch your tail?" I ask, and he drags a few bits of the tail around and places them in my lap, swishing them back and forth lightly, so I hold them gently and smile. 

"Gorgeous." I whisper again.

We sit like that for a few minutes, until we eventually end up laying down, him with his ears and tail out and me playing with them as we talk.

"So you don't care?" He questions, keeping his gaze away from my eyes and I laugh...

"Not one bit.  I love you for you. Nothing would change that. But... what are you?" I ask and he beams, once again blushing and messing with the hem of his sleeve.

"I'm a werefox.  You can get bitten to turn, but my mother was one, so it got passed down through the blood line." He explains, so I nod.

"Who knows?"

"Me...     and you." He states, and I look at him dumbfounded. 

"Just me?!" I gasp, and he shrugs plainly.

"Nobody is close enough to me for me to tell."

We sit in a comfortable silence, gazing at one another, until I move forwards and press a kiss to his lips and he relaxes, slumping down.

"Relax.  I'm fine with it. Your beautiful." I whisper, and he giggles, snuggling into my chest.

"Thank you." He breathes, so I hum in acknowledgement and stroke his ears.

"Of course baby... And hey, I thought I said I was gonna make some pancakes!" I yell and he instantly perks up, scrambling to his feet as he runs off into the kitchen, his tail flying behind him.

I make my way through and see that he's already set everything out, and I grin, wrapping my arms around his waist and kissing his shoulder.

"I love you." I mumble, and he yips in return to which I turn him around and raise my eyebrows.   "Did you just yip at me?"

He smirks and widens his eyes  innocently, yipping again, so I shake my head fondly and peck his lips once more before turning him back around. 

"Can we please put chocolate chips in them?!" He squeals, seeing me grab them from the cupboard and so I nod, placing them down and he shoves a handful in his mouth... Causing me to smack his hand playfully.

"You can once we've finished them." I sigh.

I reach over to grab the pan, but he whines and goes to sit on the couch, frowning and upset, so I put everything down and go to his side.

"Hey what's up babe?" I ask softly and he looks away, making me turn his head and send him a wink to which he ignores.   "Oi...."

I try turning his head, and when he finally does so, his eyes are glazed over and he averts his attention to my neck.

I frown and take his hands in mine, tutting quietly.

"It's fine. You didn't mean it. It doesn't hurt." I soothe but he creases his eyebrows in.

"Your lying." He snaps, so I move back as he pulls his hands away and crosses his arms.

"I'm sorry what?" I remark, and he tilts his head to he side.

"One of the many perks of being supernatural. Is that I can hear your heartbeat and I know when your lying... It does hurt doesn't it?" He pushes so I sigh and run my hand through my hair.

He moves his hand out and removes the plaster, pressing his hand on top of the bite, causing me to wince.

"I won't hurt you I promise."

He closes his eyes, and I blink in astonishment as all the pain leaves my system and I see black, thin lines running up his arm....

He let's go after a few minutes, and I watch him as he falls back onto the sofa.

"What the hell did you just do?!" I awe as he yawns and smiles weakly.

"Perk number two... I can take your pain. But it tires me ouuu-". He falls asleep, collapsing sideways into my arms... So I gently pick him up and move him to the bedroom, gently placing him on the bed.

I pull the covers over him and kiss his head lightly before going to make those pancakes.

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