Someone your own size

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Derek's POV:

I yawn awake, opening my eyes slowly to see that I'm laying across Stiles' bed, with my hand through hair as he sleeps.

I move, making him stir some.

"Shh, shh." I whisper, making him shuffle, but making him go back to sleep, so i smile, standing up, and walking into the kitchen.

I put on some coffee and stand with my elbows on the counter, leaning over and yawning again.

As I wait, I hear something behind me so I snap around to see Stiles stood, rubbing one eye as he looks at me with the other red, puffy one and smiles.

"Morning Der..." He grumbles sleepily, so I chuckle to myself and pull out a chair for him to sit at.

"Morning Stiles... I'm making coffee... Want any?" I ask softly. And he smiles more, playing with his hands.

"I'd love some, thanks Der." He yawns, rubbing his other eye. So I stand and stare for a while, getting an odd feeling inside me. "Everything okay?" He asks, moving his head to the side and looking at me again.

I quickly cough and turn around, shaking my head and grabbing two cups out from the cupboard and making the drinks.

"I, er, I'm fine. Here." I walk over, placing the coffee on the table and sitting opposite him. "I have my first lesson today, for about two maybe three hours." I state.

"Okay." He says hesitantly, and he gets a scared look across his face, looking into his cup.

"Hey, look at me." I sooth, reaching out and grabbing his hand, making him look back up. "I'm not leaving you. I'll come back... I promise." I say, and he nods slowly, before the corners of his mouth twitch up slightly and he squeezes my hand lightly.

"Thank you." He laughs, so I chuckle and stand up.

I go off and get ready, pulling on my leather jacket and walking to the door, when someone pulls on my arm.

"So, I'll definitely see you later?" He frets, so I ruffle his hair up, making him.... Blush...

"Of course you'll see me later... I promised remember." Making him nod and sigh in relief. "Three hours, at the most, and I'll be walking back through that door."

"Good. See you later Der." He smiles, so I smile back at the nickname and walk out the door.

"See you later Stiles."

I walk through the class door, instantly spotting Boyd in the back corner, calling my name, so I walk over and sit next to him.

"How's your new dorm?" He asks.

"What?" I ask, and he gives me confused look till I remember. "Oh, yeah... It's amazing, smoking guy called St- aaaanly... A smoking guy called Stanly." I lie, and he nods slowly before dropping the subject.

"Your gay?" He asks, and I nod, wringing my hands awkwardly. "It's fine, i don't care, but I wouldn't tell Erica cuz she's all over gay guys and their cuteness." He jokes, so I laugh as he pats my shoulder.

"Noted... Are there any, like, gay guys here on campus?" I ask, biting my lip and bouncing my leg.

He slouches back and chews his pen as he thinks some. "The only two people I know on the campus, are Danny and Stiles."

My breath hitches as he says Stiles' name, and I smile to myself.

"Oh.. Cool, thanks." I say, and he just grins.

"Danny's single, and he's pretty cool." He hints so I thank him again as the professor walks in and class starts.

"So you want to learn to be a lawyer?....."

The class finishes pretty quick, and after the recent discovery of a certain teen being gay, I rush out of the class, ignoring Boyd's shouts, but bumping into Erica.

"Woah there big stuff, where you running off to so fast?" She giggles, so I gain my balance and look behind her.

"Er, I, just gotta do some studying and I want to get it over and done with." I say, putting on a fake smile an moving around her.

"Awsome, have fun with that." She laughs, waving me off, so I continue to jog off, around the corner.

I turn to a slow pace, looking behind me to see nobody in this area of campus, so I shrug and look ahead.

I hear a noise in the distance, so I sneak up to where it's coming from and gasp at the sight.

A bloodied Stiles on the floor, as a tall blonde haired kid kicks him as two other guys pin him down with their feet.

I walk over pulling them off and with one look at me, they gulp and run off.

The blonde kid stops kicking Stiles, looking to me and smirking evilly.

"Can I help you bro?" He spits, so I crack my knuckles and click my neck.

"Yeah you can, you can let my roommate go, and pick on someone your own size." I grit, and he laughs, stepping in front of him.

"How about no?" He shrugs, so I step forward connecting a punch to his jaw which knocks him out straight away.

The second he hits the floor, I rush to Stiles and help him up as he wraps his arm around my neck.

"Sorry." He whimpers.

"Why?" I ask, and he coughs.

"I'm not sure." He says, chuckling the best he can.

I take us through the dorm, shutting the door and sitting him on the couch and grabbing the first aid kit.

"Ouch, stop, you don't have to patch me up!" He snaps, but I slap his arm.

"Shut up and keep still."

He stops moving and huffs.   "You knocked him out quickly." He jokes so I smile, tying the bandage on his arm and letting him go.

"That's the best thing about being older than everybody."

"How old... Are you?" He asks quietly.

"I'm twenty-three And you are?" I ask back, and he blushes again.

"Eighteen." He says quietly.

"So Sti, are you gonna tell me why those pricks hit you like that?" I ask softly, but he looks to his hands and shakes his head.

"Nothing, no reason." He says,  a little too quickly.

I sigh, holding his hand again.  "Is it because... Of your... Sexuality?"

He snaps his head up and looks to me with glassy eyes.

"How did you know about that?!"

Hey guyssss xx

Here's another chapter for y'all xx

Remember to stay tuned for more,  love y'all xxxx

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