Don't kick off, even though I'd like that

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Derek's POV:

"How did you know about that?!" He yelps, so I hum and scratch my neck.

"I, erm, I, I h-heard it?" I stutter, and he stands up, standing in front of me with an angry expression.

"You heard it? Who from?" He asks quickly, tensing his hands so I gulp.

"Someone in my lawyer class...    It's not a big deal." I explain and he laughs with tears in his eyes.

"Not a bid deal?  It kind of is when the same jackass calls me names every time he sees me with his mates...   So don't come in here with your straight ass, assuming things about me.  You don't know me.  You don't know anything about me!" He yells, swinging his arms over his head, so I stand up and walk in front of him.

"No it isn't...  Your right, I don't know anything about you, but I do know what it's like to be gay!  So 'my straight ass' can come in here and help, so your assuming stuff about me." I argue and he instantly shuts up and goes red.

"W-What?" He asks quietly.

"I'm gay, so I know what it's like to deal with all the shit off people okay?" I sigh, and he blinks, sitting down slowly, and looking to the floor.

"I didn't know... I'm sorry." He whispers so I sit down too, shaking my head.

"It's... Fine... You shouldn't let anybody push you around because you like guys... Because your in love." I explain and he smiles some before nodding.

"Your absaloutly right, but... I can't help it if they're ten times bigger than me. And could probably even kill me if they wanted to." He sighs, so I shuffle closer making him look to me.

"It's what in the heart that counts, and I know I didn't exactly stick around to see, but I know for a fact, you have a great heart, so don't ever think or say differently." I say, and he smiles, nodding before pulling me into a sudden hug.

It takes me a few seconds but I chuckle and return it, as he laughs and pulls back.

"Thanks Derek." He says. "For sticking around I guess." He grins so I shake my head and hesitantly wrap an arm around him.

"I'm glad I'm staying this time, just don't listen to those pricks okay?" I ask, and he reaches his pinky finger out.

"I promise." He giggles, so I roll my eyes and wrap mine with his.


Me and Stiles sat like that for a few moments, and something about it just made me feel better... It made me feel happy, and since the past day, so does he.

"I have an idea, but you can't know what it is yet, but you have to come shopping with me to get stuff." I say, jumping up and holding out my hand for him to take so he squeals and jumps up too, taking my hand.

I was only offering it to help him up, but this is better, so I'm not complaining.

We walk out and lock the dorm door, strolling out of the wing and to the shop. Stiles telling me all about his dad and his mother, and All about the guy I saw him with, Scott, and that they've been best friends since nappies.

I just stay quiet, listening to his voice, as we continue to hold hands, ignoring everybody else.

He's still going as we walk into the campus shop, but he instantly stops, squeezing my hand some, so I look over to see the blonde kid from before, laughing at us with a bunch of people so I growl and step forwards.

Stiles pulls me back by my hand talking quietly. "Don't kick off. Even though I'd like that." He says shakily, so I smirk as I get an idea.

I laugh as If he said something funny, wrapping my free arm around him and kissing his neck.

He actually moans, moving his head back to give me more space, so I smile, letting go of his hand and moving it under his shirt.

I let go, holding his hand again and looking back over to the blonde kid who has a look of shock on his face, before rushing off when I look over.

He stays silent, as I walk us to the isle I need, until he chuckles and speaks.

"Thanks." I look over to see him all red in the face, with a giant smile across his face so I smile and nod.

"Sure thing, at least he'll leave you alone now." I say, and his smile drops and he lets go of my hand.

"Sweaty." He shrugs... "And yeah your right thanks." He says quietly.

After getting everything I need, we walk back silently, with a bit of distance between us.

We walk back through west wing, and once we get back to the dorm I lead Stiles through to the kitchen, unloading a bunch of ingredients.

"What's all this?" He says, gaining his happiness again, so I raise my eyebrows and pull him over.

"Pancake mix." I semi yell.  "But I sure as hell hope you know how to make them, because I don't." I say shyly, making him laugh and grab his stomach.

"You don't know how to make pancakes?!" He yells, and I raise an eyebrow and cross my arms.

"No." I say bluntly.  "Fine forget It." I frown, walking out the kitchen, until something white falls all over me.

I quickly then around to see Stiles holding a bag of flour, and his hand full of more.

"Don't be such a Sourwolf!" He says playfully.

"A what?" I ask, trying not to laugh.

"Your being sour and you look like the big bad wolf..." He says, bursting into a fit of giggles, so as his eyes are closed, I grab an egg and throw it at his forehead.

Before I know it, a food fight breaks out, and the kitchen gets obliterated in the war between us.

After a while, I stand and shake my head at the state of the kitchen, until Stiles yawns and walks over.

"We can clean this tomorrow, but I think we should get to bed. It's late." He says, loosing his happiness, so I just nod and follow him to through.

We get ready without speaking a word, climbing into our own beds, as we both yawn.

"Goodnight Derek."

"Goodnight Stiles."

So maybe I like the kid...

Here y'all go guys xx

Not much to report... So xx

Stay tuned for more, love y'all xxxx

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