Chapter 1

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Hi Everyone! This is my first actual story here. Please do not steal any of my characters, or plot, for I came up with them in my head. Since this is my first story as well, bare with me, for I do make mistakes. Please point them out in the comments. Enough with this boring stuff, lets get on with the story!



I wake up around 6:30 in the morning to get ready for school. I walk over to the bathroom, and start the shower. As the warm water hits me, it just makes me want to stay there forever. But soon, the water turns cold, and I quickly jump out. I grab my towel and dry off. I then tie the towel around myself, and scurry to my room. I walk over to the closet to choose an out fit for the day. I decide on a pair of white shorts and a loose pastel purple shirt. After that, I head back into the bathroom, to put on some mascara around my deep brown eyes. I then dry my brown hair with a blow dryer. My hair is just dead straight and flat, but today I won't do anything to it.

Once I finish getting ready I head downstairs.  Ryan, my twin brother, was already chowing down a bowl of cereal. Ryan has blonde hair, and brown eyes just like mine. He is the quarterback on the school's football team. He is a girl's magnet, just like all the other boys in the team. They all use them to their advantage. Use them one night, get a new one the next. It kinda makes my sick, because he is my brother and all...

"Hey Ryan." I greet him, and throw a package of pancakes in the microwave.

"Hi Mia," he says back, "we are leaving in 15." I look at the clock and realize it is already 7:30. School starts at 8. I guess my shower did run long. Whoops.

I take my pancakes out after one minute in the microwave. I drizzle syrup over them, and then cut a square of butter, trying to make it look like one of those pancake stacks you see in menus. But mine doesn't look like that. I take  my pancakes to the table and eat them up.

The dogs come running downstairs all of a sudden. We have two golden retrievers, they are both boys, Dylan and Cody. We also have a black cat named Jinx, who is a girl. She usually hangs out in my little sisters rooms. My little sister is 13, and her name in Katie.

"Ryan, did you feed the dogs their breakfast?"

"Umm, no."

"Ugh." I fill both dog's bowls up. Now, the awful smell of dog food is all over my hands. I wash them with a crap load of soap.

"Are you ready to go, Mia?" Ryan asks.

"Yep, let me just go upstairs  and grab my bag and phone." I rush up the stairs, and into my room. I grab my book bag, and unplug my phone.

I head outside and see Ryan waiting in the car. We share a car, but Ryan has in a way "claimed" the car. I hop in the passenger seat, and we set off to school. We only live about 5 minutes from the school, so it isn't a very long trip. Once we park the car, we say our short goodbyes, then part. He goes to his large group of friends, and I go to my single friend. I  believe Ryan's catchphrase is "the more the merrier," whereas mine would go as "the more the scarier."

"Hi Mia!" My best friend, Haley, greets. "You look great, as always!"

"Aww, thanks. You look amazing as well!" Haley has her dark brown hair curled, her bright blue eyes are lined with a smoky eye, and bright red lipstick. She flashes me a smile, as we walk to my locker. When we get there, I grab my math junk and slam the door shut. She already has her stuff for first hour. We have math with each other, so we walk there together.

We get there a few minutes early. As we watch a few more people come in, the bell goes off. The teacher comes in with a scowl.

"Good morning class. Today we will be starting unit 2. Open your textbook to page 37. Start the practice on the top." he says in a monotone, with like 20 seconds in between each sentence.

I look down on my page, to see a whole bunch of numbers and variables. I try working it out, but I keep getting weird answers. So, of course I take a quick peek at Haley's page and see number 5 circled. I quickly jot down 5, and wait politely for the class to finish up.

"Mia." The teacher calls. Crap, that is my name. I absolutely hate being called on. I'm a pretty shy person in public.

"Yes?" I look up, and give him an innocent smile. I can already cheeks filling up with red.

"The answer please." He snarls.

"Umm... 5" I mumble.

"What was that?"

"5" I say a little louder.

"Huh?" The teacher smiles innocently. At this moment I feel my face burning, and the whole class was staring at me. This is so embarrassing. I bet this stinking teacher knows it too.

"5! She said 5!" Haley yells for me.

"Was I asking you Haley? I don't think so. Mia. What is the answer?" He shouts back at Haley.

"5!" I shout, giving him a glare.

"That's the correct answer. Thank you. How'd you get that Mia?" He says innocently. Right now, I want to  die. I sink into my seat and internally groan.

"I'm just messing with you. Didn't mean for your face to turn all red and stuff." he says. This only makes me turn an even deeper red, it didn't help that a bunch of other classmates were looking at  me and laughing. I look down and bury my head in my arms, to cover my face. Thank god it is Friday.

"Mia! Get your head up off the desk! I don't want you to fall asleep!" He scolds.

I hate this guy with a burning passion.



Done with the first chapter! Thank you for reading!

Love you all! -Em

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