Chapter 7

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I wake up Saturday morning ready to start the day fresh. I pull open the blinds and let the sunrays shine through the window. I play on my phone until like 8:30, then I decide to head on down the stairs. Once I enter the kitchen, I feed the pets, and then I decide to get a bowl of oatmeal. As I'm chowing down on my food, I get a text from Haley.

Hey girl! I'm coming over this afternoon, we are going to go shopping for this party tonight!

Party? Is she crazy?

What party? You know I hate social parties.

It's been 2 years! Please Mia, Joey invited me, I can't just go alone!

Why can't Joey just pick you up?

Well he is hosting sooo

At this point, I knew I wouldn't win this argument. 

Fine, I'll go, but I'm not making any promises to stay the whole night

YAY! ILYSM MIA! Picking you up at 2:00 for the mall.

Sounds good

I put my now empty oatmeal bowl in the dishwasher and head back upstairs. I turn on the hot water, and hop on in the shower.


After throwing on some sweatpants and a tank top, I go downstairs to wait for Haley. I hear a knock on the door, so I run over to open it. 

"Hey Mia!" Ryan said. Alongside my brother was Logan.

"Hi Mia! Looking good as always." Logan said along with a wink.

I shake my head, and turn over to Ryan. "Do you know about this party tonight?"

"Yeah! It's over at Joey's place, why? Are you finally going to one?" Ryan says back.

"Uhm, yeah, I actually think ima go to this one."

'Wait, so you have never been to a high school party?" Logan asks in astonishment. 

"Not since I was a sophomore."

"And you're a senior," he asks again. I nod.

"Why?" He asks genuinely curious.

"It's because her loser ex boyfriend freaked her out." Ryan angrily piped in.

"What?" Logan asks, now confused.

"Oh, it's nothing. It was in the past, it's all better now, I hope." I said, mumbling the last part.

Ryan didn't catch what I mumbled but Logan did, and gave me a worried look. "Gotta go, Haley just rolled up." I said wanting to get out of this now awkward conversation.

"Bye Mia, glad you'll be coming tonight!" Logan shouts as I scurry out the door.

"Bye guys! See ya later!" I shout as I shut the car door.

"Hey Haley!"

"Hi Mia! Thank you, thank you, thank you so much for doing this!" She gushes.

"It's not a problem, whatever floats your boat floats mine."

"Ready to go get some clothes!"

"Yes! Let's roll!" I said as we went on our way to the mall.



Hey! Sorry this was a long wait, but hopefully I can update more often. Also, sorry this chapter is super short, but the next one should be up soon.

Please show this story some love, and point out any errors, so I can fix them right away!

With love,


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