Chapter 3

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"Phew!" Haley exclaimed as she sits down by the oven.

"It wasn't so bad." I say. We had just made the cupcakes and it did take a lot of time, as planned.

"I know, but we still have to wait like 25 more minutes."

"True. Do you want to watch TV?" I suggested.

"Okay." As we head to the TV room, we hear shouts from the boys. Once we are actually in the room, we notice that they're watching football.

I whisper to Haley, "Actually, we can just watch Youtube or Netflix in my room."

"That's not going to happen." She whispers before yelling, "Alright boys!" They all turn to look at her, finally realizing we were here. "We have important business to attend to, that just so happens to take place in here. So if you don't mind. . . Leave, please." She smiled sweetly, while I mentally face palmed myself.

"What makes you think we'll just let you kick us out?" I think Alex piped up.

"Do you want cupcakes or not?" Haley says. And before we knew it, they were all gone.

"Good job Haley!" I exclaimed.

"I guess I just have a way with words."

"Oh sure." We change the channel and stop on a children's show, where they were singing about sheep. "Do we really have to watch this?" I asked, getting tired of their whiny voices.

"Of course! It's informational." She replies, not taking her eyes off the screen. "Baa! Baa! That's what a sheep says!" She screeches along with the song.

"Haley!" I yell trying to get her attention, "Haley!"

"What." She says finally looking at me.

"I think we should get some water." I say trying to get her away from the TV.

"What! No! I love this show!"

"Come on! The cupcakes should be done soon anyway."

"Okay, fine." She comes with me, as we head to the kitchen. We sat down with our waters, chatting. The cupcake timer went off, and what sounded like an earthquake coming towards us. But instead 5 boys popped in.

"Chill guys! They have to cool!" Haley exclaimed as I checked them to make sure they are done. I pulled the toothpick out clean.

"Done," I mutter to myself, as I take the pans out with my oven mitts. We doubled the recipe, because we had more guests, and found ourselves with 36 cupcakes in total.

I looked up from the gorgeous cupcakes and saw all the boys, except Ryan, gawking at us.

"What?" Haley asks, clearly self conscious from everyone staring.

"You both have talent!" Joey says.

Haley muttered a thanks looking star struck. I think someone has a crush. I ship it.

"Just wait until you try them." Ryan says. They all nod in sync.

This is really awkward. Everyone is frozen staring, except for Ryan and me. I give him a weird glance, which he returns as I exit the scene. I open a cabinet to get out a cooling rack. As I pull 2 out, it makes a loud clashing noise, which snaps everyone out of their previous state. They all go back to talking amongst each other, while Haley joins me.

"Sorry, I think he's hot." She whispers to me, talking about Joey.

"That's fine. Everyone was standing still, except for my brother and me. It was super creepy. Also, I think Logan is the hot one in the bunch." I whisper back. She shrugs.

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