Chapter 31

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"Okay, what happened?" Haley says once we are both in the car.

"Leo might've asked me on a date, I don't know though," I answer, and she screams.

"What! That's amazing, Mia! Tell me everything!" She squeals.

"Well, all he really did was ask me if I wanted to go to Olive Garden with him tomorrow night."

"He asked you out, dude," she says with wide eyes.

"Literally, you can't tell from that. He might just wanna go as friends." I say. I don't want to jump to conclusions and get my hopes up, only to get them crushed.

"Oh honey, have you seen how he looks at you? He calls you 'cupcake'. Trust me when I say this is a date." She says as we drive out of the parking lot.

"You really think?" I ask, my cheeks turning pink.

"Oh yeah," she quickly nods. I can't help but smile at that.

After about 10 minutes of small talk, we arrive at the mall.

"We have got to get you a cute outfit for your date tomorrow!" Haley squeals, as she drags me to forever 21. 

"What's wrong with my stuff in my closet?" I groan. Clothes are so over priced. I like to spend my money on things like food.

"Nothing, we just need a fresh outfit."  She says as she looks through clothing racks.

"Ah, 'cause that makes sense," I say sarcastically.

"It does," she mumbles. She continues searching for a cute outfit while I wander off and look at random other displays around the store. I find myself looking at the bags when Haley yells for me to come back over to her.

"Sup," I greet.

"I found the perfect look. Check this out," She pulls out an oversized cream sweater, and a brown knit infinite scarf. "Then you'd wear leggings and your brown boots," she says smiling at her creation.

"Yeah, that's cute." I nod in approval of her choice.

"Great! Let's check out. This is my treat," Haley says, walking to the register.

I gasp, "Haley! Have I ever told you how much I love you?"

Haley laughs in return, as she swipes her card at the register.

"Where to next?" I ask as we leave forever 21.

"How about Victoria's Secret?" She suggests, causing me to raise my eyebrows.

"Oh? Are you and Joey," I stop, when I see Haley turn red. "Haley Grace Monroe!" I yell, getting a few stares.

"Shut up!" Haley whispers.

"When were you planning to tell me that you and Joey did it?" I whisper shout, with wide eyes.

"Tonight, I was gonna tell you tonight," Haley says, still looking embarrassed.

"Oh my god, Haley!" I squeal, and jump up and down. Joey and her are perfect, I'm happy they are moving forward in their relationship.

"Shut up, Mia," Haley rolls her eyes, and walks into Victoria's Secret.


"Last Saturday." She replied, starting to look less embarrassed.

"Wow." I say as I follow her around the store.

"I think I'm gonna get these," Haley says looking at a pink lace set.

"Yeah, that's cute," I add.

Haley checks out, and we exit the store.

"Hey, Haley, we should go to Spencer's next." I say pointing across the mall.

"I swear to God, Mia," Haley laughs, turning red again. "Let's just drop this topic, please and thank you."

I laugh to myself, before dropping it. "Let's go to the candy store," I suggest. Haley eagerly nods in response.


A few hours later, we end up heading back home. We hit a lot of stores, so our arms are tired from holding all the bags. We bought way to much candy, I bought some shoes and a new purse, and Haley bought a bunch of new outfits. We also made an appearance at the food court and had dinner there.

Once we arrive back at my house, we run up to my room with the candy. 

"So, Mia, what have you found for us to bake today?" Haley asks as we plop onto my bed.

"I think I wanna try to make a lava cake."

"Oooh, yes girl, let's do it!" Haley says and sits up. I smile and grab my laptop off my desk. I search up lava cakes, and we try and find a good recipe. The recipes seem to take only about a half hour, so we decide to make it right away.

We head into the kitchen and start getting ready. We got out all the ingredients, which consisted of a lot of chocolate.

"Let's fricking do this," I said as we put on our aprons.


"So good," I moan in delight as I take the final bite of my lava cake.

"Oh yeah," Haley said, doing the same.

We put our dishes by the sink before returning to my room.

"What was that show you wanted to binge?" I ask, pulling up Netflix on my laptop.

"It's called 'In the Dark,' it seems pretty cool," Haley says, as she gathers all the junk food we got and pile it on my bed. 

I type in the title resulting in numerous shows popping up. "That one." She points to a picture of a woman and a dog.

"Alrighty, let's get this party started," I say as I click play.

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