Chapter 28

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"You have got to be kidding me Haley," I say into the phone.


"Did you really think I'll say yes?"


"No! I have the worst track record with parties," It is Friday night, and Haley is trying to get me to go to a party.

"Please Mia? It'll be fun. What could go wrong this time?" 

"Ugh. A lot Haley. But, fine." I'm such a pushover.

"Great! I love you Mia! I'll be over in a jiffy!" She doesn't wait for an answer and hangs up right away.

I put my phone down and walk over to my closet. I found a black skirt, and a striped tube top to go with it.

"Eh, this looks fine," I whisper to myself after I slipped it on.

"Hell yes it does," Haley says as she barges into my room.

"Geez, Haley!" I shout.

"Sorry," She says sheepishly.

"It's fine," I say.

We head into the bathroom to do our hair and makeup. Haley curled my hair and I just put on mascara and red lipstick. I didn't want to go all out tonight. Haley curled her hair as well, and did some crazy eye makeup, corresponding perfectly to her dress. She wore a short, black and gold, form fitting dress.

We put on heels, and headed downstairs. Ryan, Leo, Joey, and Alex were all there. They still have not forgiven Logan, which makes me feel pretty guilty.

"Damn girls," Alex said.

"Shut up Alex, they're off limits" Both Ryan and Joey say in sync.

"Okay, creepy. I thought I was your twin Ryan," I joke.

"Haha," Ryan retorts.

"Okay, so we have 3 cars, how do we want to split?" Leo asks.

"I'll take Haley," Joey says gazing at her, causing her to blush. They are so perfect.

"Ryan, let's go," Alex says.

"Okay, then Leo and Mia?" Ryan asks.

"Yeah, sounds good." I say smiling at Leo, which he returns, making my heart flutter. Wait, what?

"Alright, we'll all follow you and Alex," Joey says to Ryan.

"Okay, let's go." Ryan says.

We all head out of the front door, and I lock the house up.

"All set?" Leo asks, waiting right next to me.

"Yeah," I say as we walk towards his car.

After we get in, and start driving, Leo breaks the silence.

"You know Mia," He starts, "You looks gorgeous tonight,"

"Wow, thanks," I say feeling my cheeks heat up.

"Because of that, I want you to be careful. Okay?" He says looking at me for a second while I nod. "Drunk guys do crazy and dumb things,"

"I know Leo. This isn't my first rodeo," I say with a smile.

"I know, I just- I don't know," He says as he drifts off in thought.

I hear the loud music, and find a huge string of cars.

"Looks like we made it." I say.


"So who's party is this anyways?"

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