Chapter 16

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"Hey Mia?" Ryan calls up to  my room.

"Yeah!" I shout back.

"Ready to go?" 

"Uh, yeah, let me grab my shoes." I slip on my black converse, grab my bag, and I head downstairs, "Let's go."


"No, Ryan, ring the doorbell," I whisper shout, right before he invites himself in.

"Mia, I have been to this place so many times. I think I have a pass to just walk in." Ryan says, with his hand on the door knob.

"But me, Ryan, last time I came here it was a party. Oh wait, that was the only time I came here."

"You have me, you're my plus one."

"That implies we are a couple. That's gross."

"Well, romantic couples are not the only couples. Best friend couples, sibling couples, the list goes on."

"Hate to break it to you bud, but that's not really reality. A sibling couple is incest."

Ryan gasps as he puts a hand on his chest."Are you saying that I want to have sex with you?"

"What! Ryan! Not at all. Just don't say we are a sibling couple. Ring the doorbell." I say as I roll my eyes.

"You've hurt me sis," he says as he rings the doorbell. Footsteps pound towards the door, and it opens. It seems like we are the last people to arrive.

"Why hello everyone. The sibling couple has arrived." Ryan says  as he walks on in.

"You realize you don't have to ring the door." Joey says looking at Ryan.

"I know," Ryan says and smirks at me.

"Wait, did you say sibling couple?" Logan asks, as he comes over by me, and slings his arm around my waist.

"Hell yeah I did," Ryan shouts.

"Mia, are you cheating on me? With your brother?" Logan yells.

"No! Ryan! See what you did?" I ask, my cheeks turning red.

"Ryan, don't say you and Mia are 'the sibling couple' every again," Alex laughs.

"Okay, fine." Ryan says angrily.

"Good," I comment.

"We are the twins couple." Ryan says confidently.

"Hey, Ryan," Leo comes over to Ryan, "you see, calling yourself and Mia a couple, is saying you two are together romantically."

"And siblings who are together romantically," Joey starts.

"Is incest," Haley finishes.

"And incest, is frowned upon in most societies," Logan adds.

"Well, fuck. This is a bit awkward isn't it," Ryan says embarrassed. He scratches his neck and avoid eye contact.

"Okay, we have pizza in the kitchen," Joey says, as the group follows him to the kitchen. Logan and I stay back.

"Now, that I know you aren't cheating on me," Logan smiles, when I squirm at the situation that just occurred, "I can do this." He wraps one arm around my waist, and the other behind my head. I wrap my arms around his neck. Logan leans in for a kiss, causing my eyes to flutter shut. Our lips touch, causing sparks to shoot throughout my body. I could never get sick of kissing him. This kiss started light, but slowly started to get more passionate.

"Oh damn," Alex said from behind us. I pull away fast, and whip around to see both Leo and Alex walking out of the kitchen. "Get a room guys!" I look down, as my cheeks turn red. Logan was to the right of me laughing. I glance back up to see Leo looking sad.

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