Chapter 22

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"Are you sure you don't want to stay home?" Ryan asks as we park in the school parking lot.

"Yes, Ryan. I need to get caught up." I said, as I started to open the car door.

"Okay," He sighed as we started to walk into school. "Mia, I would walk you to your locker, but I have to stop by coach's office. You good?"

"Yep, don't worry about me, see you later," I said as I continued on the trek to my locker.

I was walking until I let out a small scream. I felt my face slam onto the cold floor. I look to see sparkly pink toenails in front of me. Sarah tripped me! I hear laughs from around me, as I slowly get up. I found a circle of girls formed around me.

"Clumsy hoe,"

"Logan didn't waste a second dumping that bitch,"


"Attention hog,"

I look at Sarah, trying to keep down my tears.

"Why?" I quietly ask.

"I told you he'll always be mine. I always get what I want, you little bitch," she snarled, as she shoved me. Just as I was about to fall to the ground, I was caught by someone.

"What the hell, Sarah?" Leo shouted, making Sarah wince. "Leave. Mia. The fuck. Alone." Leo glared, and grabbed my hand. He took me outside the school, through the parking lot, and into his car. 

Once we were seated in his car, he asked, "Are you okay Mia?"

"Uhm, yes?"

"I don't buy it,"

"Well, you see Leo. I had it coming. When Logan started getting closer to me, she did tell me that she'll get him back. I just didn't think she would come for me after we broke up,"

He sighs. "Mia, you don't understand. You shouldn't have had it coming at all. You fell, right? Are you hurt anywhere?"

"No," I say looking down.

"Alright. Are you sure you are alright?"

"No," I say as I thought about what people were saying about me.

"Okay," He said quietly, letting out a sigh, "Let's go to my house. We can figure this all out there."

"But I need to go to school! I can get a detention for ditching!"

"I know," Leo smiled as he took out his phone. He dialed a number, and put it on speaker. 

"Hello, this is the school attendance line, how may I help you?" A lady answered.

"Hi, I am calling in my daughter, Mia Johnson. She will not be attending school today. She is getting over the flu." Leo said in a deep voice.

"Alright, can I have her grade?"

"She is a senior,"

"Okay. Thank you Mr. Johnson.  I hope Mia will be feeling better." 

"Thanks, bye." He said as he hung up the phone. He turned to me and smiled, "And that's how it's done," 

"Leo! That's so bad but smart at the same time!" I say in astonishment. I wish I thought of that a long time ago.

"I know. I'm pretty awesome. Now let's go," He said as he drove out of the parking lot.

"What about you?"


"Yeah, you didn't call yourself in. What if you get a detention?"

"Oh, don't worry about me. I have my ways."

"Okay," I say as I stare out the window.


"Holy cow Leo!" I say as I stare at his huge house. It looks to be about 3 stories high, and it seems to be a football field size in length.

"Yeah," Leo says awkwardly.

"This is beautiful," I say in awe.

"Thanks, let's go in. And do me one favor. If I say something to my dad that may not be true, just go along with it." Leo whispers in my ear, as I nod. 

We step foot into the foyer, and it's amazing. There is a marble staircase leading up through all the floors. A giant chandelier hangs down from the top floor.

"Wow," I whisper. I hear Leo chuckle from beside me.

"Leo, is that you?" I hear a man's voice yell.

"Yeah," Leo says as the man turns the corner. He is very tall, with dark hair like Leo's. I bet he's the dad.

"Leo. What did I tell you about bringing girls here?" He says sternly.

"I know I can't bring them, but this is Mia. I've known her for a few years now," Leo says.

"Hello Mia. Did you know about his house?" Leo's dad asks me.

"No, I had no idea." I said shyly. I hope I don't say the wrong thing.

"You finally did something right son. Well, welcome Mia. Make yourself at home." He said with a smile before leaving us alone. 

"Come on Mia. Let's go up," He said as he guided me towards an elevator. We walked in as he clicked the number three. After about 20 seconds the elevator dinged, and we got out. There was a bike right next to the elevator.

"Sometimes, walking gets tiring. So we have bikes lying around everywhere," I nodded, "But, we won't need that because we are going right around this corner." We turned the corner, and there was a comfy little area. There were a few coaches, bean bag chairs, and mini tables. "Finally here." He said as he laid down on a coach.

"Come sit," He said, I sat down right next to him.

"Hi," I say.

"Hi," He smiles. "Sorry about down there. We have this rule where I can't bring anyone here, unless I've known the for a little while."


"Sometimes, people use me for our house and money, so I need to have a chance to make sure they are trustworthy, you know?"

"Yeah, makes sense,"

"Mia, don't think I forgot about what went on earlier," Leo said, as his eyes softened. "I know you are not okay. Feel free to get whatever off your chest."

"Leo. I feel bad. I feel like I never can have a normal conversation or day with you. I always am crying or something." I say honestly. I do feel bad. I bet all he sees me as is his friend's depressed sister.

"No. Don't feel bad. Never feel bad about your feelings. It's awful keeping them stuck inside. Just let it out. I don't care. I just want you to feel better." He says as he puts his hands in his lap.

"Okay," I say as I think about everything. I think about Mason. I think about Logan. I think about Sarah. I think about all those names I was called. The tears start to fall. I feel Leo's arm come around my shoulder. I cried even harder. I miss being in Logan's warm embrace. I miss feeling loved.

I open my eyes to look at Leo. He was just staring at me. I couldn't read his expression. There was a whole bunch of emotions flashing through his eyes. He seemed to be lost in thought.


"Yeah?" He said, snapping back into reality.

"Can I . . .?" I start, but drift off.


"Can I sit on your lap?" I say very softly, my shyness coming over me.

"Of course."

I crawled onto his lap, and laid my head on his chest, as I continued to cry. He rubbed his hand on my back, and gave me a kiss on my head. I felt so safe and calm in his hold. I felt a sleepy sensation come over me, and sure enough, I fell fast asleep in Leo's arms.

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