Chapter 12

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It has been a pretty calm week. Though there were a few encounters, Mason has stayed pretty clear of me after Monday. Now it's Friday.

I'm in 2nd period science class with Alex right now.

"Mia, I'm so sorry. I can't walk with you to art. I have to stay after to finish a test," Alex said sadly. He has become a nicer person to me after he heard my story. That just goes to show that you can't judge a book by it's cover.

"Oh, it's cool. I never see him this passing period anyway."

"Knock on wood," he says as he knocks on the desk, "The guys will still have their eyes on you, so you should be good."

I really appreciate what the boys are doing for me, but I feel it is a little too extreme. I mean, what is he going to do to me at school. There are people everywhere, he won't get away with anything.

"Thanks Alex."

Science class was dismissed, but Alex stayed behind. I made it to my locker to grab my art supplies.

As I was putting in my combination, I heard a high pitched voice, "Mia," it said.

I opened my locker and turned around. "Oh hey Sarah," I said confused as to why she was here.

"So what's with you and Logan?" She sneered.

"I'm actually not sure."

"Hmm, well I think you likes you. But don't get your hopes up before I steal him back," She said as she cackled.

"Uhm, okay?" I say as a question, because I was still a bit confused.

 "And by the way, you are so fucking -"

"Sarah? What the hell?" Logan asked as he stormed over.

"Hey Logan," She said in an even higher voice, fluttering her eyelashes and twirling her hair.

"Stop giving Mia a hard time, get lost Sarah." He said sternly.

"Hmph," She turned on her heel, and strutted away.

"Hey, you good?" Logan asked as he turned to me, putting his hands on my shoulders.


"What'd she say?"

"Oh nothing," I said and looked down.

"Mia," He said lower as he tilted my head up, so I was looking at him.

"Hmm?" I said, feeling my cheeks heating up.

"What did she say?"

"She was just going to insult me."

"Anything else?"

"She'll steal you back?"

"I feel like there is something you aren't telling me, Mia." His voice got lower, as I saw something flash through his blue eyes.

"Oh, uhm, that you like me?" I squeaked.

"Is that so?" He asked only a few inches away from me.

"Yeah, what do you think about that?" I asked as my heart was beating faster.

"I think she was on point with the last one." He whispered, staring at my lips.

"Oh really?" I blurt, as my cheeks turn red.

"Yes," He said breathy, "I like you Mia."

"Wait, what?" I ask in astonishment.

"I do, and I have no shame," He said as he stood up. "C'mon, you are gonna be late."

"Wait, Logan, I like you too." I said nervously.

"Great, I'm glad we are on the same page." He said as his smile grew 10 time the size of his original."


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