Chapter 24

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"Bye Leo!" I say as I step out of his car, and onto my driveway. It was around 7 pm.

"Bye!" He yells as he pulls back onto the road. 

I head on inside the house, and shut the door.

"Mia?" I hear Ryan call from the kitchen. I head into there, and sit on the counter.

"Sup Ryan," I say with a smile.

"You seem to be in a good mood," I nod, "Well, so I take it you're feeling better since this morning? Leo told me what happened,"

"Yeah, I'm doing fine. Leo took care of me," I say as I smile.

"Okay, good. I can always count on him," Ryan smiles. Katie came down the stairs.

"Hey guys," She says, as she goes to the fridge to find food.

"Great! So, since all of us are here," Ryan started, "mom and dad called. Their flight gets in tomorrow night,"

"Oh good! I haven't seen them for weeks!" I exclaim. I love my parents a lot. It's just sad with how often they travel for work.

"Yay! Mia, can you and me bake them something?" Katie asks.

"Yeah! That's a great idea," I say.

"Sounds good guys. I'll be at practice until 5 tomorrow, then I can help too."


I wake up the next morning bright and early. I smile and open my blinds letting in the natural light. I skip over to the bathroom and hop in the shower. Today will be a great day.

I twirl into my closet to find a nice outfit to wear. I chose a light pink skirt with a cute white lace top. I throw that on and I head back to the bathroom. I dry my hair, and put it in big loose curls. I throw in some mascara, paired with a light pink lip stick.

I look at my reflection in the mirror and smile. Proud of my appearance I bound down the stairs to find Ryan on the couch.

"Good morning Ryan! Today will be a great day." I say with a smile.

He looks at me and smiles back. "Yes it will, ready to go? We can hit Starbucks on our way,"

"Yeah!" I smile as I grab my backpack and head out to the car.


"Wow, Mia!" Haley exclaimed when she saw me, "Why do you look so nice today?"

"My parents are coming home tonight," I say with a smile.

"Really? That's awesome! I haven't seen them since they helped with my dad!" Haley said excitedly. My parents are basically like hers.

"I know! They've been gone for like 6 weeks. Today will be a great day." I said as we walked to first period.

"Yes it will."


Lunch came before I knew it. I sat down at my usual table with the boys.

"Damn Mia, you look good," Alex said as Ryan punched his arm. I laugh and stand up, doing a quick twirl.

Logan came over by us and sat down. Instead of sitting next to me, he sat in the empty seat on Joey's right.

"Well, if it isn't Mr. Cheater McHeartbreaker," Alex spit. I saw Leo straighten up, and Joey glare.

"Guys, chill. It's cool, we're cool." I said shooting Logan a half smile. He just nodded.

"Whatever. Go sit with your idiot girlfriend," Haley said, glaring at him.

"Geez, guys. Why so hostile? Logan and me are fine. We don't hate each other, so you guys shouldn't hate him either." I say, feeling bad for Logan.

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