Chapter 26

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"Hey kids," someone says. We all snap our heads to see our dad awake.

"Dad!" We all shout and run over to him.

"How are you feeling?" I ask.

"I'm just tired. Happy to be alive." He smiles and hugs us.

"Oh my gosh dad! We were so worried, and we missed you so much!" Katie says as she smiles.

"Yeah, I missed you all too. I love you guys."

"Love you too dad," We all chime.

"How's mom?" He says as he looks at her in the other bed.

"She had a brain injury, so they fixed it. She's just resting now." I answer.

"Okay. Good to know. So how have you guys been?" Dad asks, and we catch him up on all that's been happening since they've been away.


"Oh guys!" I exclaim, remembering something.

"What's up Mia?" Ryan asks.

"The cake!" We can't forget the cake. We worked so hard on it. It's been sitting out for a while now. Any longer it might get dry.

"Oh yeah. Do you wanna get it?" Ryan asks.

"Yeah. I'll be back in like 30 minutes. I love you guys," I say giving hugs to everyone. "Love you mom," I whisper to mom who is still sleeping. I give her hand a squeeze before exiting the hospital.

I hop in the car and head home. As I arrive, I notice a familiar black car on our driveway. What is he doing here?

I pull into the driveway, as my heart picks up it's pace. I should've just driven past the house. What am I doing?

I look over and I notice him getting out of the car. I lock my doors, and roll down a window an inch or so.

He walks over to the driver's side, and tries to open the door.

"What do you want, Mason?" I ask, as nicely as possible.

"I heard about your parents. Are you okay?" He asks. There's no sympathy or concern in his eyes. He's putting on an act.

"Yeah, they're both okay. Thank you though." I smile.

"Anytime." He smiles, and tries to open my door again. "Open your door Mia."

"No, I'm fine," I don't trust being alone with him.

"Open your fucking door," He growls.

"I'm driving a weapon Mason. Leave me alone!" I shout.

"Yeah. Well, I have a weapon too," He says as he pulls out a gun from his back pocket. My eyes widen, and my chest tightens. "Now. Get out." 

I quietly close the window, and open my door. I step out and put my hands up. He puts his gun in his back pocket. "Don't worry baby. I would never kill you," he said as he hugged me tightly.

A car drives past my house, and I try my best to look like I'm in trouble. I see it slow, and pull into my neighbor's driveway. Thankfully, Mason is oblivious.

"Alright, Mia. Let's go inside." Mason said as he grabbed my arm and twisted it.

"Ow, Mason! That hurts. I thought you said wouldn't hurt me." I say as my arm stings.

"No. I said I wouldn't kill you Mia." He said as he looked at me.

"Oh wow. Thanks." I mumble.

Mason shoves me to the ground. "You fucking slut, don't be sassy with me." He spits and kicks me in the shin.

"Fuck off man!" The guy from the car shouts. I look over to see Leo's dad. Well, this is awkward.

Mason just laughs. "Stupid," He whispers to me. He pulls out his gun, and aims at Leo's dad. Oh no. 

"Mason, please no. Don't shoot him"

"Oh sweetie, you don't want me to shoot your wittle boyfwiend's dad?" He laughs.

"What? We aren't dating" I tell him.

"Good, one less guy in my way," He scoffs. He turns his attention back towards Leo's dad. I hear a loud gunshot and scream. Holy shit! Did Mason just kill Leo's dad? It's all my fault!

"You fucking idiot!" Mason screams, as a bunch of police officers appear and put handcuffs around him.

I look over to see Leo's dad perfectly fine, by the neighbor's house. I look back to Mason, and see him looking unhappy in the back of a police car on the street.

"I love you Mia. I'll come back for you!" He shouts from the car. Leo's dad approaches me with a police officer.

"Hey Mia," he says.

"Thank you." I say. I still have no clue what just happened.

"No problem," He said, offering me a hand to get up off the ground.

"What just happened?" I ask.

"Well, I saw that kid with you. You looked uncomfortable and scared. I remember Leo told me something about how he was helping one of his friends who was in a bad ex-relationship. I put the pieces together when I saw you. I have personal security follow me, just in case because I'm a target for criminals. The police saw him basically abusing you, so I distracted him, while the police got ready. You also helped distract him, so when he pointed the gun at me, the police fired at the ground and tackled that kid." Leo's dad told me, as if it were an everyday occurance.

"Oh, wow." I say, speechless.

"So Mia," the officer starts, "Mason is going to be charged with domestic abuse. In this case, he'll be put in jail, until he can pay the bail. Then he'll be released. He will not be allowed on your property, or within 20 feet of you. I thought you would like to know." The officer said.

"Yes. Thank you guys. This really helps."

"You're welcome. Well, I have to get going. Call Leo if you have any problems. I'll let him know what happened."

"Okay, sounds good." I smile. I turn around and go into my house. I shake my head. Why is my life a drama all of a sudden?

I grab the cake, put into a container, and head back to the hospital.


I wander back into the room, and see that mom is awake.

"Mom!" I yell and run over to hug her.

"How are you feeling?" I ask.

"Hi Mia! I just have a headache. Nothing I can't handle."

"That's good."

"What took you so long?" Ryan asks.

"Oh, I had a meet up with Mason." I shrug, not wanting to make it a big deal.

"What?" Dad asks.

"Yeah. Long story short, Leo's dad was there and he got Mason arrested and stuff."

"Wow. Are you okay?" Mom asks.

"Uh, yeah. Just a scratch on my knee." I say with a smile. I cover my arm with my hand. From where he grabbed me formed a huge bruise already.

"Well, I'm glad that douche got what he deserved." Ryan grumbled, and hugged me.

"Me too," I sigh.

"How about cake?" Grandma says, changing topics. To be honest, I forgot she was there. I love you gran.

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